Fun Little Project for improving Dynamics

Fun little project, or Tweak that will improve system dynamics, soundstage, frequency extremes.

Try using Amethyst crystals. Get them in small sizes and unprocessed. I bought a pound on EBay for $10 including shipping.

To clean the unprocessed crystals prior to use, I soak the crystals in distilled water with Aquarium salt. Mixing it to become a strong sea salt mixture and letting them soak for about 8+ hours.
Then pour off the sea salt and soak the crystals with 90% or better alcohol for about an hour. After that, drain off the alcohol and rinse well with just distilled water.
Finally, let the crystals dry in a bowl in the sun.

Start with placing small amounts (25-40 crystals) in the plastic baggy things and tape the bag over your Circuit breakers to your system or on top of power cables IEC/Male end.
You can even buy at Radio Shack small project boxes. When using these types of boxes I put a lot more of the crystals in them.
You can use Blu Tack or 3M tape to stick these project boxes to outlet strips, junction boxes, over outlets, etc.

For reasons still unclear to me, it may take a few weeks (perhaps as much as 4 weeks) to sound good.

But, when it does, the dynamics will improve and so will the overall sound stage and frequency extremes.

Please note:
Too much of the crystals may actually surpress the dynamics, but with the baggies you can experiment with how much of the crystals to use.

I have experimented with all kinds of different crystals, from Topaz, to Tourmaline, to Quartz and etc. The Amethyst crystals seem to work the best.
Believe it or don't believe it. Try it or don't try it. Open minded or closed minded. It's no skin off my nose. I can hear an effect, sometimes good, sometimes bad. Not an illusion at all.

I performed a test for a fellow audiophile this weekend when he stopped by. I took 2 small plastic cases that had crystals in them and placed them on the top of my turntable step up preamp. The soundstage shrunk and was immediately constricted. When they were removed it expanded tremendously. No question about it. Not subtle at all. Using something like a weight in their place yielded no result at all, so it wasn't anything to do with vibration dampening or the like. Obviously in this case they caused a bad result, but an immediately audible result nontheless.
Sebrf, What would make you try it?
Have you tried the Audioprism Ground Controls?
When you buy a new component say a Amp or Speakers do you just buy them based on the specs? How do you know they will sound better than your present set up?
What makes you try them?
You must have had some curiosity or you would not have responded to this thread.

Explaining to me over and over how crazy some of the tweak claims are does not change the fact that I have taken the time to try it, and you didn't.
I just bought Zu Omens - 60 day money back. I'll keep them or not on how they sound. If I looked at specs only I certainly would not have look at Zu (I've not seen Omen specs, but Druids with similar driver look terrible). They sound pretty good, btw. I may keep them.

I never, ever said anything about crazy, never said anything about they do not work. I can post that 100 times and still you assume I am saying it's crazy and that I say they do not work. That's another related side note - Anyone who questions is closed minded and has no opinion unless they try it. Anyone who brings up the fact that there is more to suggest an unexplained tweak can be explained has their words twisted.
All I am saying is that I don't get that people do not acknowledge that it may be something other than the unexplained tweak that changed the sound.
I went through this a while ago with fuse direction. The guys kept telling me to try it, I don't know what I am missing. I resisted because I knew what would happen. I eventually tried it and guess what - No change. You say there was no change because I had a closed mind, I disagree. I say they heard a change because of something else entirely. btw: Crystals - I am skeptical and say it is probably not the crystals but who knows, there could be something to it. Fuse direction - I say no way, no how. But I could be wrong.
Oz, I'm sorry to be a wet sponge on your tweak. My point was only "Don't you guys think there could be another reason you like the crystals?" I do, apparently you don't.
Sebrof, as I said, I'm a natural skeptic. But I'm experienced enough to know that I don't know everything about how everything works. Google "qx4 stereophile" and read about a completely nonsensical device that apparently works. Then search on "quantum qx4" in the forums here. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but the results are apparently reliably reproducible.

So, crystals? Sure, why not?
"So, crystals? Sure, why not?"

Of course, why not. I have noticed that my system has better highs on the upper floor (logical) and better bass in the basement. I keep it on main floor as best of both worlds but this effect can be used to tweak the system. I'm sure I will try stones after I'm done with the placement. I wish I could move it from the basement to upper floor dependent on the music played but it is way to heavy.