vibration control

Do most folks use vibration control under all components?--ie cd---preamp---amp---dac---and line conditioner as well?
How do you folks set yours up presuming you utilize vibration control--thanks
I just read about the granite.

I used to get severely criticized when I poopooed the effectiveness of a slab of graite under a component.

Granite can induce ringing not soak it up like wood or rubber can.

All components vibrate. some transformers have mechanically noise and can vibrate, hence the use of isolation washers.

Everything is in movement.You may not hear the sonic degrdation of one cap resonationg along with the music, but add up all the little separate parts used inour gear and things get into perspective that it's the sum of all these parts ringing and vibrating that causes a loss of clarity and detail.

Of course if you are multi tasker or background music listener, then this won't make a difference to you.

I find so much of the denial of anything but stock out of the box,quite fascinating.

The only way you can tell if a vibration control device works is to try one, then take it out of the system and listen again.

If one device didn't do it , try another.

If scientists gave up after the first failed experiment and made up their minds that nothing works, it's all snake oil, then we would be deprived of some very important and beneficial advancements.
Last week I decided to change the type of connector on my speaker cable. New bananas. Measured off two 6 ft lengths of 12 gauge wire from the same spool the current cable came from, terminated it and hooked it up. I would have sworn my system somehow sounded different / better. Just shows how easy it is to self-delude. It lasted about 3 hours. Its common to think that if you do something, then the sound must change.
The self delusion is that you think there shouldn't be difference.

The wire is the same but the terminations are differnt, and how did you terminate them?

You used bananas.

Had you said you used bare wire termination and noticed a difference I might have said there would be likely to be a marginal nod to the newer less tarnished run of wire.

I suggest you take the bananas off and listen again.
You may also hear an improvement and if it lasts longer than 3 hours then you know your not delusional and that the bananas did affect the sound of identical lengths of the same wire.

I would also suggest that you try a set of bananas from WBT such as the nextgen and have a listen to their effect and compare them to the sound of the bananas that you tried, but something tells me you won't bother with that.
'I would also suggest that you try a set of bananas from WBT such as the nextgen and have a listen to their effect and compare them to the sound of the bananas that you tried, but something tells me you won't bother with that'

You missed the point of the post. I was replacing locking bananas because they were a pain to remove from the amps while in the rack. My point was to show how easy it is to imagine something that does not exist. I was not seeking or expecting a difference in sound. So to save you the trouble of sending a reply, I'll just say it for you....... 'Never Mind'!!
As far as trying the plugs from WBT, something told you correctly.
Look at the audio brick test using a genuine McIntosh brick.....