The idea I propose is simple and I'm sure some of you already know where I'm going with this, so here goes. Take a simple piece of pipe the same diameter used on police door rams, add a series of coils along it's axis, and a solid steel slug free floating inside the pipe. Add current and bang! The slug should be propelled from one end to the other. This combined with a well timed swing of the ram should increase the amount of force applied, bringing down any door. The main idea here is to reduce the weight of the ram while simultaneously increasing the amount of force applied. Also, the coils could be powered by a capacitor bank on the ram and charged before using it.

I haven't built a prototype yet or even looked to see if someone else has done this. So any information or ideas about this project is greatly appreciated. I do not have a background in electrical engineering or any thing like that, just an over active imagination. And I never want to carry a ram up 10 flights of stairs ever again. It may sound simple but every ounce counts, especially when you're in body armor and wearing who knows what else you might need. I will give credit to anyone that can contribute idea's or thoughts, that could solve this problem, if someone else hasn't already, that is.........
You know - you need AC to move the magnet back and forth. But perhaps just going from zero to full voltage would be the first half of the swing. Thoughts from the more knowlegable?
One way from DC. (Think of the AC signal as alternating DC.)You certainly don't want it coming back.

Kal (who built a few electrocannons in his youth)
Wow, I've gotta say this is one thread I didn't see coming. What's next? Maybe adapting blu-ray lasers for interrogation!

Oh, the poor SWAT guy has to carry a heavy implement of destruction up flights of stairs before he can crack heads and shoot people. Life's just so unfair. But I'm sure you get a great benefits package, eh?

But if you do come up with this solenoid-assist battering ram make sure you get the proper credit and they name it after you. I guess it's a dubious honor in a land where any kind of honor is scarce at best. And if the electric angle doesn't work out then perhaps you should look into a compressed gas-pulverizer... with adjustable ranges of force so it could also be used to brutalize suspects. After all, repeated punching can get very tiring and why risk busting a knuckle on that kind of scum?
Plato, I could have sworn I heard angels laughing at that one.

All the best,
this sort of thing already labs.
Timing is everything in releasing the capacitor charge.

Look up 'Rail Gun'.....

It is not 'recoiless' so if you have a couple guys holding the 'ram' when it fires the slug, the ram tube will recoil backwards..........and not deliver full power to the slug intented to breach the door or whatever.

I Floated a proposal to make an electromatnetic railgun Punkin Chucker, but couldn't get my engineering buddies to want to help! Imagine being the first person to put a pumkpin in ORBIT via railgun.