Sonos turns your house into an ipod

Anyone else have any experience with the Sonos system?
I picked mine up from an enlightened local sound store and have been blown away with the quality of the system. It makes single disc players obsolete. It has a built in fifty watt per side power amp and excellent AD/DA convertors as well as analog inputs and outputs. The handheld remote control has an incredible color screen that allows you scroll through your music collection and internet radio stations. For anyone with a large CD collection the Sonos system is the only way to go.
I enjoyed Robm's "Now it's Cnet" comment--funny, but I agree with Hamburg. No reason these types of systems shouldn't be part of audiophile discussion. However, it'd be helpful if there a little more audiophile content to the posts about Sonos. The features of Sonos are undeniably cool, but how a little more specific description of the amp and DAC performance, compared to other hifi components, that you would buy into with Sonos?

As an aside, seems like Apple should get moving with a multi-remote-speaker version of iTunes.
seems like Apple should get moving with a multi-remote-speaker version of iTunes.
Well, speaking of the devil, it seems this improvement has come about with the Airport Express firmware update released earlier this month (and at least v6.0.2 of iTunes).
I have used the Sonos system in a house that I build 2 years ago.
The couple were in their late 50 's and they just loved it.
The system was dead easy to set up and the owner's wife can use it with no problems. My wife and I demoed the unit in store and she loved the remote control.
The build quality is first rate.
Sound was enjoyable, the owner used inexpensive in ceiling speakers and I can only comment to this extent.
The convienence and user interface with the Sonos was superb.
Is this HIFI ? I think for some people it might be, but please listen first.
I have to say that I think Sonos is providing an entry point to mid-fi and potentially hi-fi for many people who otherwise wouldn't have had a reason. Of course, this an anecdote, one man's experience, but I think it's telling.

So, I was tired, really tired, no let's say really really really really tired of physical CDs. I'm an adult now (kid, house, cars, etc.), but still had my old Denon 35 watt receiver I got as a high-school graduation gift, a second-hand Sony bare bones CD player, and a pair of Boston Acoustics HD8s. Nothing special. Really pretty awful, but there it is. And every time I wandered into a serious audio store, I'd get excited about the sound (remember where I'm coming from: I'd get excited about a Rotel integrated driving B&W 603's). But then I'd think back to that pile of CD's, and how I could never find anything, and how after a few weeks my (otherwise quite nicely decorated) living room would have stacks of CDs, and CDs not in cases getting scratched up, and my wife yelling at me, etc. You can give a guy grown-up responsibilities, but you can't make him behave.... ;)

So skip forward. I bought a Sonos ZP100 bundle and an Infrant ReadyNAS NV that I set up in a closet. Burned ~400 CDs to FLAC using EAC. Set up one of the ZP100s in my kitchen - instant fun listening to all my old jazz while making dinner. Set up another ZP100. Lo and behold, the digital amp in that sucker sounded better than my old Denon/Sony combo. 15 years worth of DAC progress - even if the volume attenuation happens in the digital domain - trumped my old crappy set-up.

Skip forward a few weeks. Music is actually fun again. We're listening to music all the time. I'm ordering CDs online like no-one's business (are you listening to this, record companies???).

And what do I do? I decide that the sound quality could be better. So I go out and buy myself a Creek 5350SE integrated on A'gon. And, boy, was I right. The sound quality with the ZP100's analog outs driving the Creek is through the roof, even driving my old Boston HD8's. Now I have upgrade-itis. Going to buy myself a decent pair of speakers... Monitor RS6's maybe? NHTs? and a DAC... Scott Nixon? Lavry? Benchmark? Dunno. Hell, I may go out and buy myself a record player and a phone pre-amp and start collecting records!

Anyway, that's a long long post. But here's the point: audio better listen up and start embracing these audio "jukeboxes". For most people, they transform the listening experience markedly. And IMHO Sonos is doing a better job of casting a broad net with it's user experience (though priced today to capture early adopters' hard-earned $$$). And if you can't get that through your skull, Audio industry, you're gonna be in trouble. These new systems are an amazing entry point - they enable those of us who still find music to be a bit of a hassle to do what we're supposed to - to LISTEN. I'm listening right now (no, not in the audiophile sense of in a special-purpose room in a built-to-order recliner with a set of custom-built speakers driven by $50K of fine electronics) to Michel LeGrand Jazz. And it sounds GOOD. Better than I remember. Next up... Dave Brubeck at Carnegie Hall? Husker Du? Mos Def? I dunno. But boy it's good to be back in the saddle...

John_ops: Bravo! Bravo! My squeezebox did the same thing for me, wish they had the nice Sonos interface without using my tablet pc.