iMac vs. PC Laptop

I am currently weighing the pros/cons of an iMac vs. a PC laptop for a variety of uses at home, including as a digital music server. Can someone educate me on the pros/cons of each as they pertain specifically to setting up and running a digital music server? Ideally, I would like to go wireless to a DAC.

The rest of the system is a Rotel 1067 pre-amp/1075 amp, Paradigm Studio60 V.3 speakers, matching center and rears (current sources are Music Hall CD25.2 CD player, Oppo DVD).

Thanks to all.
Steve look here:
The unbeatable transport period,.
And Bill Bauls is intrested in checking it out,.

Also the Maui Mods, Northstar Beats all computer driven audio, hands down.
"what is a Aberdeen?", LOL!
10-06-06: Fishpatrol
24/96 vs. Music Hall CDP: assuming you're playing back lossless audio on the PC, the potential's there. Would you be using the CDP as your DAC?

Fishpatrol...I can use the CDP as my DAC??? If I can, I think I would start there and see what that sounds like. How would I use the CDP as my DAC???
I bought my MacBook to use as a wired USB to Wavelength DAC music server and portable PC.

It will run both Apples's OS and Windows, which to me was a plus.

As my first experience with a MAC, it's been a pleasent one.

A plus is that it's quite silent.

Replacing a $6K CDP with my PC and Wavelength Brick Silver, I'm very happy with my PC based system!
Fishbonegt, You could use your CDP as a DAC if it has a digital input. I'm not saying "most" do or "most good CDPs" do. If your current CDP doesn't have a digital-in, maybe your next one could?