iMac Sound Quality

Has anyone compare an iMac using it's optical digital output to feed an external DAC, to other PC based alternatives like the SB2/3 or USB SPDIF converters?

Thanks for your reply.

My son just a MacBook, so I hope to test it's optical output
using a Monster Cable ICable.

If you look at my system, you'll see I'm using a modified SB3 with a linear psu.



PS- On the subject of glass verses plastic Toslinks, see:

Thanks for the link on the plastic cables. It is good to hear that they now come with higher purity/transparency materials.

You may find this link interesting:

I would like to hear about your experience with the MacBook's optical out.


Thanks for the impactacoustics link. On the plastic vs. glass Toslink issue, I guess it's a question of who do you believe, the company selling 1M glass cables for $60. or the one selling 1M plastic cables for $9.

Listened to the MacBook last night using a 2M Monster Cable ICable. Ripped a WAV file of Keith Jarrett's "My foolish Heart" Live at Montreux for testing.

IMO, the Macbook's digital sounds much better than a stock SB3's digital outputs. I haven't used a Apple computer, so I need to play around some more with settings and try Apple Lossless, but I'm very impressed.
ALAC is better with the MAC since you probably won't get the metadata without, particularly with WAV.

Toslink is better because it isolates, but thats really it's only advantage. So it seperates the noise from one device to the next.

MACs are particularly quiet machines anyway. My question is when did the Macbook start shipping with a Optical out? I thought only the Macbook PRO had that?

The WAV files captured all the information I need.

Unlike you and your tube DAC, I've never said Toslink was better than anything else.

Suggest you contact Apple if you're interested in the MacBook's optical output.

PS- I'm glad I didn't follow your advise and go with a USB SPDIF converter. The MacBook's optical output sounds great
especially at 24/96.