iMac Sound Quality

Has anyone compare an iMac using it's optical digital output to feed an external DAC, to other PC based alternatives like the SB2/3 or USB SPDIF converters?

I never recommended going with a USB SPDIF converter, not sure one exists actually. But then again, you make things up as you go anyway, so not surprised...SPDIF sucks, much like most of the information you contribute to these threads.

And if you are using WAV with itunes, it just proves your a class A buffoon. I bet your database looks great. Maybe you smash your head on a volcanic rock, but honestly your nothing more than a nuisance. Good luck with your set up.

Please grow up and stop the silly name calling and insults.

You posted: "Better off with USB output for sound,"
since I don't need a DAC, that would require a USB to SPDIF converter.

There are lots of these devises on the market.

SPDIF can produce excellent results if it's properly implemented.

Thanks, my Slimserver WAV database does look great. I used WAV on the MacBook so I could compare it to the SB3. If I
get a MAC, I'll use AIFF.

Have a nice day.