Mac vs. PC differences to Airport Express?

Are there quality differences in sending music wirelessly to an Apple Airport Express from a Mac vs. a PC.

I have a PC desktop running Windows XP. I stream my music via iTunes to an Apple Airport express, toslinked into my Benchmark DAC-1 (no USB), then analog out to my MF integrated amp.

Would I get better results simply by using a Mac instead of a PC to my Airport Express?

Would adding a USB/toslink converter and going computer to USB converter to DAC be much better, even if I use a cheap USB converter like the Hagman or M-Audio?
Thanks for all of your responses so far.

Audoiengr: Thanks Steve, for answering my first question. It's good to know that iTunes Windows XP to Airport Express is the same quality (however low) as Mac iTunes to Airport Express.

The Pace-Car at $1400 is pretty steep for me at this time. If I were to eventually invest that much, how would that compare with getting my Benchmark modded to accept USB?

Right now I'm interested in a $200 upgrade. I could get a Trends Audio or equivalent USB/digital converter and go
PC > Converter > Benchmark

Marco and Jax2: I know the Mac platform is solid for USB out. I have an old Mac iBook I could use for that config, or I could buy Windows Vista and stick with my PC. I want to stick with iTunes. I've read that Foobar and ASIO are too much of a headache. Would iTunes for PC w/ Vista equal iTunes on a Mac for USB out?

And would a $200 USB/Toslink converter be better than sticking with wireless to Airport Express. Either one would end up in my unmodded Benchmark DAC-1

Can the Mac Mini be used instead of an Airport express for wireless use? If so, is there any advantage to sound quality over an iBook wireless to AE?
If you want to transform the AE into something world-class, then try this
Marco and Jax2: I know the Mac platform is solid for USB out. I have an old Mac iBook I could use for that config, or I could buy Windows Vista and stick with my PC. I want to stick with iTunes. I've read that Foobar and ASIO are too much of a headache. Would iTunes for PC w/ Vista equal iTunes on a Mac for USB out?

Marco and Jax2 are one and the same. I know, it seems magical, but they're both just me. I did not mean to imply in any way that the Mac platform was inadequate. I use Macs exclusively for over ten years now. I only meant I would use the USB rather than the internal toslink option given the choice. As far as an inexpensive converter for your Benchmark, if you can find a used Waveterminal U24 that'd be a nice option...My friends Edirol seems to do a decent job...I think it's a UA25. As far as the two platforms, I just know Mac works: OSX hasn't given me any major headaches, is almost impervious to viruses, worms and other evil attachments, works brilliantly in all the graphics software I rely upon for my work, and streams music just fine with nary a hiccup.It has a very instinctual interface, which seems to get better all the time. I've used an iBook and that works perfectly well for streaming music, as I'm sure a MacMini would. Either way, if you plan on using the new Mac operating system, Leopard (10.5.X), make sure you have at least a gig of RAM in whatever box you choose, and that your hard disk is a large one (the newer MacMinis are a bit more versatile in that regard I guess - someone correct me if I'm wrong there). Like Vista, or so I'm told (I steer clear of PC's if I have a choice), Leopard is a memory hog requiring 512mb of RAM just to run the OS. OSX also runs smoother and faster if you leave about a third of the boot disk free (hence larger drives are better for Leopard).

Kana13 - you've got to be joking right?

This will never compete with a Pace-Car. I dont care how good the clock is. I also do a mod to the AE called the Off-Ramp Wi-Fi. Same thing as the French company, new clock, new power supply, new S/PDIF output circuit. It's not even remotely close to what the Pace-Car does. I have only sold a few of these. I dont even try to sell them anymore. Pace-Cars is what sells because they are amazing.

Steve N.
Which would give me better sound:

PC>Airport Express>Pace-Car>unmodded Benchmark DAC-1


PC>USB>supermodded Benchmark DAC-1(w/ additional mod to add USB)?

Since either of the above would be done 'down the road', what would be better for now:

PC > $150 USB/Toslink Converter > Benchmark


PC > Airport Express > Benchmark?

Any Recommendations for a $100-$200 USB/Toslink Converter?