Is this a reasonable Audiophile Mac-based Server?

Since I'm a visual person, I've tried to distill what I've learned about music servers and how I might create one. Any suggestions or comments you have would be appreciated.

Here is the link to the website with the picture:
Map of Mac-based Server

My goal is to produce the best sounding Music Server regardless of price.

Thanks for the link to your gallery...very beautiful work! OK, on to your questions...I used the benchmark dac with and without the AE. I felt that the direct route from computer to DAC sounded better. But, I didn't like the benchmark all that much so I moved up to a Wavelength Audio DAC, which I suggest to you if you tire of the Benchmark at some point. Or, possibly an Empirical Audio coverter to a more traditional DAC or a CDP with a digital input.

Anyway, I would suggest you run some listening tests trying different ideas and then let us know what works best for you.

Also, tweaking the computer can improve sound quality....I use Stillpoints under my laptop that sits on my rack, which has added a nice improvement.
I've recently set up my system similar to that being discussed.

I purchased a Mac Mini and ripped my CD's using Apple lossless. The Mini connects to a Bel Canto DAC3 via usb.

Other than the occasional drop in signal somewhere, somehow, it sounds fantastic.

After auditioning multiple pre amps and CDP's, this set up sounds better than everything I listened to in it's relative price range.

I just hope I can determine what's causing these drop outs.
Anyone been experiencing similar symptoms?

It's wierd you're experiencing drops. I have same set up as you with different DAC and no drops ever. A couple ideas: are you streaming music to an airport express in some other part of the house? Cordless phone? If so, they may be interfering with each other, which will cause drops in the main system.

The only other possiblity I can think of: did you rip your music using error correction? Also, did you stay off of the computer while it was ripping? BTW, for future rips....MAX is a superior ripper to Itunes. You may want to give that a try...

Also, check out this site for proper Itunes/Mac set up:

Good luck.
S789f, no dropouts ever with my Mac Mini. What length USB cable are you using? USB may have problems if longer than 3m or 10ft.
I'm considering a Mac based server w/ outboard DAC, and just read in the current issue of Stereophile; Manufacturer's Comment from Benchmark Media Systems concerning "iTunes 7.5 bug" that sounds suspiciously like S789f's dropout problem....can anybody help with experience on the iTunes 7.5 (Mac updates automatically) so a heads up is worthwhile.