Mid life audio crisis


As the title says I seem to be going through a mid-life audio crisis and I would like some advice.

Here goes: In recent years I have upgraded, changed and tweaked my system until I have arrived at the following:

* Audio Aero Capitole CDP;
* Joule Electra LA 150MkII preamp;
* Dave Berning ZH-270 amp;
* Merlin VSM speakers;
* Cardas Gold Ref speaker cable & interconnects.

As you will see I have spent quite a few $$$$s on this system and I've been considering changing my ZH-270 for a pair of valve mono blocks over the last few months to help me get some more bottom end slam from my speakers.

Recently I bought a Steve Nugent modified Benchmark DAC1 and started to play digital music from my Mac. I was amazed at the sound quality from this combination and I considered selling my CDP. I have not sold my CDP yet but I suspect it will be only matter of time, as I think the modified DAC1 is better than my CDP and I have burned all my CDs to hard disk and use this more than my CDP.

I have never really got on that well with my Merlin speakers. Now please don't shoot me for saying this, all you Merlin fans, but they don't quite have the 'grunt' and energy that I like, perhaps they are true audiophile and too refined. I love transparency and sounstage, which they do well, but I also love bottom end slam that they don't do that well in my view.

The performance of the DAC1 has started me thinking and looking at 'pro' audio/studio gear and a week ago I got to listen to a tiny pear of active PMC AML1 speakers, that are powered by Byrston amps. This was fed by a Larvy DAC/Mac and nothing else but XLR cables - a real simple system that sounded amazing, but just lacked some bottom end slam, but had lots of transparency!

PMC recommend a sub with their AML1 speakers and I have worked out I could have my DAC1 > Bryston crossover to sort out the sub and active monitors. A really simple system that will probably halt me upgrading.

So what do I do? Keep my current system or go the active monitor + sub and DAC fed by a Mac.

Any thoughts?


I find this thread to be interesting in that you bought a very detailed DAC to match an extremely detailed speaker. I have read that most don't care for the DAC1 and the Merlin together as it kind sound thin but very revealing. However, Montywoo favored this? Guess it goes to show how different our audio tastes can be. BTW, I just sold my DAC1 as the union of my Merlin VSM's wasn't that great. Looking forward to a more laid back DAC.

You are so right - the DAC1 unmodified can sound lean, but in my view it sounds 'honest' - it adds and takes nothing away from the source/sound. I had my DAC1 modified by Empirical Audio - Steve Nugent and it is streets ahead of the unmodified DAC1 (in my opinion) and out performs almost every CDP I have played.

The PMC AML1 would also be classed as very detailed by some, but I describe it as once again 'honest'. With a well mastered recording they excel, but with a poorly mastered one it just conveys how rubbish some music can sound.

After living with the demo pair of PMCs I am not 100% sure they better my Merlins. Both speakers have similar attributes. The only way I can describe how I feel about them both is: PMC hits you hard and fast and makes you sit up and listen. Merlin do everything just right and you can listen hour upon hour upon hour and love every minute.

PMC hits you hard and fast and makes you sit up and listen

Dynamics will do that. It will also bring out detail as contrast is essential to your hearing ability (due to the well known masking effect).

Try Weekend in LA George Benson "On Broadway" or Tower of Power Soul Vaccination "What is Hip" live. These two recordings sound so much like a real live performance you may be scratching your head.
Ahhhh Shadorne.... Tower of Power Soul Vaccination is one of my all time favs' and you are right it does sound as if you are right in there!

As funk trumpet player myself I really appreciate Tower of Power - Amazing through these PMCs!

You are right the PMCs put you front row at the venue.

I have some serious thinking to do over what I do next with my system, but it looks like the idea of active PMCs, a DAC and a Mac is a simple yet amazing solution!


Just to through a curve ball into the Benchmark DAC1/PMC AML1 active speaker combo - today is the last day I have the PMCs before they are returned and I had a friend of a friend drop buy with a Manley 2 channel passive EQ.

I know this is probably heresy with fellow audiophiles, but if you need a 'touch' more bass, then try hooking up your DAC1 to the EQ and then to the PMCs - you can get some amazing results.
