I’m wondering what others have done with their personal confusers & DACs using an USB interface.

I recently added more Bright Star iso nodes, small & large to see if some betterment could be had. I used the small ones under my USB HDD… and the large ones under the desktop…. MUCH IMPROVED!

Cleaner, clearer, and more discernable range articulation became evident.

I also use a PS Audio UPC 200 & Duet, for the desktop and some peripherals. That helps two ways… it makes the FILE playback better, and seems to aid the maind systems sonics too by helping to eliminate the influx of wall wart, printer, etc., from introducing artifacts to it.

Has anyone yet confirmed or dispelled the USB cable controversy?

With which USB cable are you running?

Anything you’ve done which has proven to exhibit audible enhancements to the overall sound waulity would be greatly appreciated to be disclosed here.
hdd format... ntfs, fat 32, Which RAID, etc.

Thanks very much.
Gee... one would think with all the PC audio supporters around here that notes on how or what is helping their PC audio systems along should be an easy enough question....

Maybe PC-o-philes don't tweak PC audio like audiophiles do?
Steve Nugent, owner of Empirical Audio, a high-end computer audio company, recommends Belkin Gold USB cable, 16' long or shorter.
I find that vibrapods under my DAC make a big difference in soundstage and clarity. They seem to help the bass response, too. (I also put vibrapods under my stand-mount Harbeth speakers, where they make a big improvement.) To control high frequency noise coming to and from the DAC, I use a PS Audio Quintet power conditioner and a JPS Labs Digital AC power cord. The latter uses material that helps to absorb high frequency noise.
Thanks for the info on the USB cable.

I used the V-pods for a while too. I've found the Bright Star isonodes to be better, improving the focus and impact, with less blunting of the leading edge of the notes. In other words, a bouncier presentation... more jump factor perhaps. I think they look better too. I use them under my USB drive, monitor speakers, and DAC.
I am running Windows Xp and using a pretty high quality sound card(Echo Layla 24/96) which has an external breakout box with built in dac. I have been using Windows Media Player 9 for all of music. But sounds like you guys are saying that J River is leaps and bounds in sound quality so i am interested. I would like to try this but i don't want to screw anything up with my soundcard. Will the J River integrate seemlessly with it or do i need to do some tweaks after downloading. I believe the Echo Layla already is using ASIO. When i went to try to disable this Kmixer thing i couldn't find it anywhere? I don't want to mess anything up as you can imagine and i am not the most PC savvy guy in the world but i can navigate around decently.
Can anybody help me out with the required steps i need to take to take this to the next level with J River? And is the J River everyone is using free or is that something i need to purchase for best performance as i understand also there is a free one and one you need to purchase?