Apple vs PC for Music System

I'm pretty familiar with XP owning both a desktop and laptop. But I want to put together a similar system to the Apple TV Setup featured in the Absolute Sound and PS Audio.

However when looking at PCs at a local store they had a windows media computer that looked really interestesting that I'm considering purchasing for just audio into my Levinson DAC. I was told I could use an iPod Touch to control this system just like I could an Apple TV.
Also this system included a BluRay Disc drive. The setup looked very cool and very hi tech.

So to do this system right, should I stick with Apple only like the Absolute Sound or a combo of Apple w/PC to do the ripping, or all PC with Sata drives like the computer store would customize for me w/I-Tunes/iPod running the show?
Many people will tell you that the quality of your digital cable can influence what you hear and see too...

but I think this discussion is directed towards digital conversion occurring inside the computer, rather than using a Mac or PC as a server for raw digital data to an external DAC. Correct?
The operating system, USB drivers, and the way iTunes deals with Core Audio makes the difference. Vista is not bad; in fact it is quite good. I just prefer Apple OSX. Either you can hear it or it doesn't matter. You just have to try it.

It's not about sound. It's about politics.

How many Republicans work in recording studios?

Politics... schmal-itics... I've A/B the same USB DAC with the same USB cable and ICs and my MacMini to USB DAC sounds far better on my systems (tube & SS) than my Vista 'puter to USB DAC on the same audio systems...

As my Mom used to say... what's next...?

...before we make an audio decision.. we'll be asking how many thus-and-suchs and such-a-muchas are in recording studios or on-stage... audio is crazy enough without adding in the other crazies.


Happy listening...



I was in the process of selling all my digital gear and focus only on analog playback. I only had my Benchamark DAC1 left when I decided to try hooking up the DAC1 to the Apple TV. I have to say that I was impressed at the potential that the Apple TV had with my DAC1. The sound is bit on the lite side, but I knew it could be improved.

I got rid off the cheap tosslink cable I was using and connected a new Audioquest Optilink-5. I also gave the DAC1 the Stereovox Reference BAL-600 treatment. This combination is the best digital sound I've had in my system. What first tipped the scale toward enjoyable digital audio was the Audioquest Optilink-5. Once this cable was in, the sound was more solid, more crystal clear and had more depth. Adding the BAL-600 was the ice on the cake.

The fact that the Apple TV is so affordable does not mean that it doesn't compare well with the best media servers or transports. I consider it a gift. Of course, I'm not implying the this combo sounds as good as my analog rig, but it makes a decent digital recording sound quite pleasing.