God this is overkill

I got tired of my PC's Klipsch ProAudio 2.1 setup being driven by some mediocre sound card. So after getting a raise last month, I decided to do something about it.

Enter the Nuforce Icon with upgraded power supply. Enter Kimber USB cable, apparently built to the highest possible USB spec. Enter Purist Museaus interconnects.

And finally...enter Mackie MR8 speakers. These things are are nearly 11"x14", and are literally right next to my 39"x24" computer cart-type desk. Try to envision this. I would post a picture, but I'm almost ashamed. This is in my 12x14 foot bedroom, too.

What can I say? Once I started the project, I just wouldn't let it go until I felt like I was legitimately finished. Oh...and of course, audiophools are never really "finished," in the true sense of the term. Next up? When I move to Purist 20th Anniversary interconnects in the big rig, I'll bring the Venustas into the PC setup.

I know you're laughing at me. But I also know you know what I mean! You've been there, right? At some point, in one way or another?

I have managed to keep myself to only three systems on the home, but I had seriously considered a good system for the office that was PC based! Enjoy it!
I upgraded my power cord on my PC to a Sunyata, plugged into a line conditioner, of course. I'm trying to not order the symposium platform for under the PC; already have fat padz under the speakers.

Nope. I'm not laughing.
It's easy to get carried away once you have the Nuforce Icon. What an amazing amp and DAC for the money. I took mine out of my office and hooked it up to my Devore 8's and the sound was remarkable.
Please add me to the not laughing crowd.

In fact, I would say not only is this not overkill, but I might even argue that you have only just begun.

Since first building the desktop PC system you can see in my system link, I have added an Audio Research DAC5 and new speaker cables all around.

Of course, I look forward to the next upgrade.

