Cambridge Audio 840c DAC

Is anyone using the outboad DAC of the Cambridge Audio 840c with a digital transport? how does it compare to its CD playback?
I have a sonos system on delivery and will be testing shortly I will give you an update on the DAC. I am very pleased with the cd playback it has a very smooth yet detailed sound. I have also used the cd player in my last system with a Vincent Audio Sp-331 amplifier, Revel F-32 Performa speakers and Parasound New Classic 2100 preamp. It also performed well in that system and, as you see the Cambridge cd player is the only component that I held on to. I also have owned the Cambridge Audio 640v2 cd player. Great value but is no comparison to the 840c.
I am using the 840c with my squeezebox duet. It sounds great. With lossless files I think it goes head to head with the 840c as a cd player.

Now if I can only get the duet to stop being so flaky. Great when it works (about 75% of the time) but I am always having networking problems with it.
Wendellkb, is your PC hookup to internet hardwired? That may be the culprit.
I could not find a Cambridge Magic DAC on the companies website. Is it a new product?