Pacific Valve Dac 60...Tubes?

Recently found what I thought was a good deal on a dac 60 so I decided to give it a try with the duet as a source. Have only listened a short time(olympics have interferred)and so far am very happy.
This was a used unit and I have no idea of the condition of the tubes so am considering ordering a new pair. Would like to stay in the $100 range if possible. Any recomendations including source if possible appreciated.
What tubes are they? If you tell those of us who don't know the Pacific Valve DAC 60 like me. We may, still, be able to make some suggestions.
Sorry! Should have mentioned that.
According to the Pacific Valve site they are described as "6922/6DJ8".
This is my first experience with tubes. A bit of research showed there are many 6922's and 6dj8's. How does one know which are better? Also, is there a site that gives a description of the sound characteristics of different tubes and which can be substituted for which?
A little more research shows the tubes to be Sovtek 6922's. Discussion reveals these are about the poorest of the 6922 so I am looking at a pair of Amperex ECC88 Holland A Frame Orange Labels. Just want to dip my toes into tube rolling so these will be used but tested. Any other recommendations would really be appreciated.