Pacific Valve Dac 60...Tubes?

Recently found what I thought was a good deal on a dac 60 so I decided to give it a try with the duet as a source. Have only listened a short time(olympics have interferred)and so far am very happy.
This was a used unit and I have no idea of the condition of the tubes so am considering ordering a new pair. Would like to stay in the $100 range if possible. Any recomendations including source if possible appreciated.
I own the non-Pacific Valve modified DAC-60 and replaced the stock Sovtek's shortly after acquiring it. While I noticed better bass response, improved system speed, and gained a fair amount of blackness by going with a DAC, something seemed to be missing. So, I went with a pair of JJ Tesla's from Upscale Audio at $30/each. These tubes were very smooth, airy, and made the Sovtek's seem congested. After reading a few glowing reviews on the Amperex 7308's, I figured that I'd give them a try. Wow! Where the Tesla's left off, the 7308's took them to another level. These are much more detailed and warmer sounding than the Tesla's. While they were $80/ea from Upscale Audio, they were well worth it. much more detailed and warmer sounding than the Tesla's. While they were $80/ea from Upscale Audio, they were well worth it.
Thanks for the suggestion. Hadn't even considered the Jan Philips. Will be keeping an eye out for a pair.

The 7308's are a bit pricey but from what you describe it sounds like a buy it now or buy it later. Might be best to just skip the in between and get close to the top. Will be watching for a pair.
Thanks to you both.
Bought a used pair of Amperex BB 6dj8. Very nice compared to the Sovtek.
Am still looking for the right tube. System composed of:
Squeezebox Duet
Dac 60
B&K Ref 20
Bryston 3bst
Gallo Ref 3.1
Sound with the bb is very nice on good recordings but on older Rock cd's it is a bit fatiguing. Seems I may need a little warmer sounding tube. Any suggestions?
Am looking at a pair of Amperex USA PQ 6922 but they may be out of my price range.
Thanks for any suggestions.
I have the GR Research Modded Dac 60 and it is a fine unit with the right tubes. I had a huge stash of 6dj8 family tubes. As nearly always the Amperex are favorites.
Amperex Orange globes- best top to bottom
Amperex BB- little warmer and more plump bass
Siemens chrome plates- great all around/ detailed and expansive but thinner than the Amperex
JAN Phillips- best bang for the buck- highs not as sweet as Amperex
Mullard - Toe tapping fun, warmer and little looser bass- Musical less detailed
NOS Ei- very good top to bottom but slightly less textured midrange
Ediswan- good all around but less spectacular than Amperex, Seimens, Mullard
Thanks for the list. Just bought a pair of Amperex Orange Globe. Anxious for them to arrive.