I Tunes Backup

After loading about 500 CD'S I started to think about a way to back up My music. I have my music on a external hard drive now, [ a Mac Mini system ] I see most of you have either a second hard drive or a raid system for backup . I also thought about that way to go but went another way and picked up a external DVD burner and make backup DVD duel layer disk's . I think this is a little simpler for me to do than set up a raid system i know it may be a pain to load all the data back on to a new hard disk when it fails but. I want to know if anybody else is doing this or do you just have several hard drives or a raid set up. Any thoughts on backing up your music for now I own all the CD'S I ripped to the hard drive but that may change [ download , library , friends CD'S ] thanks for your thoughts Marc
I repeat, look at a Drobo, look it up on CNET. It's the idiots version of RAID, couldn't be easier. No back up needed, it is it's own backup.
But Time Machine is built into the Mac's OS. That plus an external HD=way cheaper than a Drobo.
Not if the external drive fails and needs to be replaced. Also, you are limited by the size of the drive you are backing up. You use the Drobo as an external drive, it has virtually no size limit, and acts as it's own back up, no need to use additionaly software to back everything up, and no need to take up any other disc space with it.
I don't know where to start with this. The Drobo does not even include hard drives and it costs $400. You still have to install the hard drive(s) of your choosing so why mention "Not if the external drive fails"? You'd be choosing brands/makes/models of hard drives just like you would if you bought an external hard drive without a Drobo. Let me say this again for anyone not familiar with Time Machine. This is how easy it is. The very first time you plug in your hard drive to a usb or firewire jack a dialog box will come out asking if you would like to use this drive as a backup drive. You click yes AND THAT IS ALL YOU EVER HAVE TO DO. There is no messing around with software or anything. You can go into preferences and choose the time of backup and what folders/directories you'd like to backup if you don't want to backup the entire machine but that's about it. And it's FREE. It comes with your Mac. The Drobo may look nice but it seems completely unnecessary.

I just want to clarify one thing. I have been referring to using 2 external hard drives. One for extra music storage and one strictly as a backup drive. $400 total or possibly less if less storage space is required.