PC vs MAC laptop as music server

Hi All,
Looking for a laptop exclusively for surfing the web and use as a music server.
Will use for ripping CD's and downloading Hi Rez music files (HD Tracks etc..)
Would also use to sync to my IPOD 160gb and connect laptop to ARC DAC7 using USB cable. DAC7 connected to an all Reference ARC system.
Speakers are Verity Audio Parsifal.

Should I go PC or MAC ?
Steve Nugent has 26 years of digital experience. He has forgotten more about digital than I could probably hope to ever learn.

Assembling a computer is not that hard.
First one would take a weekend or so.
There are also so many options for PCs to make them quiet. Now that is a hobby unto itself: building a quiet PC. I used to be obsessed with it. No longer though because I have my music server in another room and run all the cables through the wall and use a blue tooth keyboard with integrated touchpad (Logitech).

tok2000 - if you want better error correction for ripping cds on a mac use xld or others. you are biased toward pc's, its obvious. but if you don't now how a mac works or how the GUI performs, then you shouldn't say anything about the mac. Microsoft is so far behind the times its funny. all of your statements mac vs. pc are unfounded. some of the most critical issues of all pc users are: how stable is the OS, how stable is the hardware, how user friendly is the OS, etc... all of these items the mac wins hands down. the mac doesn't have a blue screen of death, etc... when you use a mac, you know it is going to work.

there are many other ripping programs that run on a mac so that is a non issue, and if you wait, there will be a new 1 tomorrow. also, i run vmware so i can run any other operating system if needed.
BTW: i don't want to hook up my computer directly to a dac or use a usb cable, i like isolating the computer. and also, if you were to hook up a computer or network device, i would use a toslink cable to further isolate the 2.