How to configure a PC for outstanding Audio?

How do you configure a PC for outstanding Analog Audio Output?

I am about to invest in a new PC (preferrably a standalone, but perhaps a laptop with external monitor or a desktop)and would love to have the capability to use it to connect to my hybrid NAD/McIntosh/ADS audio/HT system.


Thank You,

In the first line of my previous post, obviously I meant "Windows PC vs. Mac," not "Windows vs. PC."

-- Al
The problem I have with all the early Windows 7 love is that only a bunch of computer nerd/hacker type/gamer/developer guys are using it right now. What would be a confusing and non fixable error screen for the masses is figured out in a snap by those guys. When it gets mass release it'll be Vista all over again. Also Danlib did not sound like a fanboy in his post. You sound like a fanboy.
Sythfreek I see you flapping your virtual mouth. Again I ask...HAVE YOU TRIED IT?

A chimp can configure and run Windows 7! It is that easy. lol
It's not rocket science my friend.

Oh yeah where do you find Mac playing commercial Blu rays? You still need to run the dreaded Windows OS to do it.
Gmood you're obviously computer literate but you are simply saying what everyone was saying about Vista though before it was released. Easy interface, works great, snap to use, blah blah, etc. and everyone knows how that turned out.
I didn't say you didn't have to boot into XP/Vista on the Mac to play Blu-Ray because at this point you do but I suspect that will change very soon. I agree that it's ridiculous OS X via an update can't do that though. Apple does consistently forget about their customers that use their computers instead of iPhones & iPods.
Sorry to flap my mouth...I mean state my opinion.