How to configure a PC for outstanding Audio?

How do you configure a PC for outstanding Analog Audio Output?

I am about to invest in a new PC (preferrably a standalone, but perhaps a laptop with external monitor or a desktop)and would love to have the capability to use it to connect to my hybrid NAD/McIntosh/ADS audio/HT system.


Thank You,

I suggest you build your own computer, "Newegg" and "Tiger Direct" have everthing you need to roll your own. There is nothing hard about it...mostly research on the parts you need, and or want for "your" system.

You should come in at under $1,000 for an outstanding computer system. Install two hard drives....Linux mint 64 bit on one (free), and Windows 7 64 bit on the other (free for a year).

Mark -- I think you'll find reading through this thread about Squeezebox approaches to be very thought-provoking, and perhaps particularly applicable because it could facilitate using a high performance desktop pc that would be a good way of serving your photography and other purposes in addition to being a music server:

-- Al
Me a Mac Fanboy? Wow- if I respectfully state my reasoned opinion that after using both for years, I prefer Mac to Windows products that are currently released (7 is not) I am labeled a Fanboy?

Maybe this explains the crappy level of discourse that unfolds in the political arena as well. No respect for anyone else's opinion- just slap the guy down by calling him a name- like Fanboy.

What's the point of sharing opinions? What is this, the WWF of Audio?
You guys need to relax. lol
I wasn't slapping you down guy. It was a joke. I just get tired of people trying to shove Mac down mine and others throats. Some of you guys act as though no one has tried a Mac besides you. Mac isn't for everyone neither is Windows.

I said up top that if it works for you that is fine. Doesn't mean it will work for me and everyone else.
Enjoy your Mac and i'll enjoy my Windows 7. ;-)