Music player recommendations?

Leaving for Europe soon and I'm thinking of getting a music player for the plane ride. I'm confused by the reviews...Ipods said to have only average sound quality but the best lossless file format, for example. I'd appreciate advice...
nope, actually am quite serious...see cnet's review of the latest nano (average sound quality) compared with, say, samsung p2 (excellent audio quality)...but i'm sure they don't listen like 'goners...
This is actually a good question. Despite the overwhelming popularity of the i-pod if you are looking for a portable music player that achieves good sound quality then the i-pod is definitely not the last word.

My recommendation to you would be one of the higher end Sony Hi-MD Minidisc player/recorders. These machines are very well built and certain models will facilitate the recording of full uncompressed 44.1 PCM which achieves sound quality beyond even the highest bit rate lossless files that an i-pod can accommodate. No they won't do video, and yes you have the unbearable hassle of having to deal with a physical media, the Minidisc, and yes they are a little more bulky, man life is rough, but you do get some things that an i-pod won't give you such as the ability to record from your source component directly to the Minidisc recorder in both digital or analogue and of course the fidelity of uncompressed PCM recording. I have made recordings of my hi-rez DVD-Audio and SACD discs via the analogue outputs of my universal player with stunning results. This is all done with the use of 1GB HI-MD discs that will record 96 minutes of pure uncompressed PCM digital on a single disc. Of course if you prefer you can also record using compressed formats such as Atrac 3 plus, or MP3, and wave files from the PC with the supplied software, that boosts recording time to over 46 hours per disc. Add a set of high quality ear buds and you are set to go.
Check out cowon america I use the iaudio7 and it is the best sounding player I've heard, far superior to any ipod. And it plays flac. Paired with a good headphone amp and good headphones it's a very decent portable solution for audiophiles.

I use it with a headroom amp and ue triplefi buds and it sounds good.