Downloading & Converting Music

Tell me if I understand this correctly. MP3's have information that cannot be retrieved if converted to WAV or FLAC format. So, it is better to rip the songs off CD than download the music since most downloads are in MP3 format (except the high quality sites like hdtrack)I use a PC. Do any sites allow download in lossless format?
Peter - because the masters of most of these older tracks are not available. Besides, these 7.5ips tracks are very close to the master tape anyway.

Some of these are quite excellent.

As for metadata, there is currently no way to maintain it and get the best possible audio quality. You either get the data at lower quality or minimum data at the best quality.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Abruce what kind of problem are you having with metadata? What file format do you use for your music?
If your file format doesn't maintain metadata are you setting yourself up for a potential disaster? Under what circumstances will your audio player just show "track 01", "track 02" etc.?