Help with a wide/twin bay rack

So as my system grows, I'm realizing that my rack is rather inadequate for a number of reasons (everyone feel free to respond with their witty plays on "rack"...I've already teed it up). I'm looking to find a horizontal solution with two wide shelves that would allow me to have my SCD-1 and TT (Right now a MH MMF-7, but eyeing a Scoutmaster or Ares 2) on the top shelf, and my integrated (see system for list of contenders) DAC (stello or MuFi trivista) and phono stage below. There's not a WAF factor, but almost as difficult MAF factor (where "M" is "Me; I'm pretty picky). Mostly, I just want something not dominated by glass, cheesy looking, sonically detrimental, or too stiled. I have rather eclectic tastes, and want something that will show off my lovely toys, which is really what this is all about (yes, I'm a small, shallow child).

I'm looking to keep this under a grand, and so far the only thing tolerable I've found is the Bell'o 2512/2500 (different finishes, and about 200 price difference). It looks a little too ikea for me, and I wonder if it's really worth the money. Do you think a viable solution would be to get a suitable piece of furniture, and invest the same amount in isolation platforms and footers, and do some tweaking to the piece itself? (I'm a furniture dealer, and can modify most things).

Any ideas, links, pictures, etc. would be much appreciated.


Thought about doing this myself, but I'm a total perfectionist and pretty busy to boot. I would try to build one, but it wouldn't be ready for about 4 years, and I'd love to get some listening done before that. Yours turned out great, congrats!
Here's an link for the DIY stand I just made. I finished it this week and haven't set everything up yet. Can't wait to though. The legs are made of solid Purpleheart and the rest is made of solid Qtr Swn Sapele (that matches my Hales Rev 3 speakers). It's very solid and level-adjustable by the spikes in between. Was a blast to build and not too expensive.

You did a terrific job!It looks very nice.I made an all aluminum double width rack myself.Mine is stands 58"tall by 52"wide and 22"deep.It is a 4 shelves design plus the top shelf.I still explore my options of finishing it.I eliminated the powder coating option due to heat envolved in the application.I fear the heat will brake or pop some of my close tolerance fasteners.Also I don't want to anodize it because the process wears down some of the surface of the metal which will enlarge existing holes for screws,another problem is I will need to remove any steel from the aluminum rack prior to the anodizing.
I am thinking of going a two part epoxy paint or laquer.The shelves are going to be 2" or 3" thick maple.