Vibration control question....

If I have access to a 18"x12"x3" block of granite for my CD player, would it be best to use spikes or can I keep using the vibrapods that I am using now ? Thanks in advance for any input.
Sorry Muskrat, Stanhifi only allows serious answers from people other than me. problem. I set it up last night using cones under the cdp into the granite. Sounds good, but its a new house, new room so I still have to tweek speaker placement, etc.
Any other smarta$$ remarks? ;-)

By the way, I did try placing jello shots under my cdp first. Sounded a little muddy.
That's odd, when I tried the Jello shots under the CDP everything was real thick and overly sweet, kinda like tubes!
Ya know if ya move that sensitive piece of equipement to the center of the rack [preamp, cd, dac, or even turntable] you will hear a lower noise floor, more pinpoint focus and stage, deeper bass and more lucid highs.Vibration and coupling as it relates to inertia.Tom
OK folks, leaving cones, pods and other footware alone for a moment, have you experimented with homegrown platforms other than granite? I am thinking of sandwich construction: e.g. start with three or 4 layers of 3/4 inch Baltic Birch plywood, and top the wafer with a sheet of Dupont Corion or reconstituted quartzite, such as 30 mm slabs of Dupont Zodiac or Stylestone.