XM radio no longer commercial free

XM radio is now no longer playing uninterrupted music. They are now putting in little ads that I find very annoying. I want music only available for 24/7 that I’m paying for. I will play it at home, then just as I start enjoying the music at what I call a good listening level, the song will end and on comes one of their little announcements about what ever. I just had enough of it, shut it off and put on my own CD’s that has no talking. I find it hard to pay for something that is not what they advertise. We have it in the car and it recently became available through DirecTV which no longer offers the Music Channels that were commercial free. I wrote to complain to both and got automated responses. What ever happened to the human being that would reply when a customer has a concern or ask for what you are paying for.

I hope they get many complaints and maybe they would return to uninterrupted music.

Sorry but I had to vent………..
I checked their website and pretty much any channel that I would want to listen to was listed as 100% commercial free. What channels are they inserting ads into?
I have XM in the car, and love it. The only station I listen to regularly that has commercials is the comedy station. When they come on, it gives me a chance to explore some new music on another station. Around 200 roam-free stations for approx. $10/month, I call that a bargain. The best I ever had. (Enter Keith Moon drum fill)
I am not sure what channel you are listening to but I have never heard a commercial on it. There are 68 music channels that are commercial free. It's weard that you hear commericals, I don't. Love the music and love XM.

PS the music channels are below channel 110.