Velodyne SMS-1 is outstanding

I have an HGS-12 but when the DD subs came on the market I really wanted a way to correct (EQ) for the room I'm in. I just got a SMS-1 and it has all the features of the DD subs and perhaps more. I've just used the auto correction so far but the difference is dramatic, the sub has turned into a real musical instrument. I don't know how we got along without something like this before now.
Next is hooking up a video display and looking for some more improvements.

You can do even better with the manual correction since that permits you to move the filters in frequency and Q, neither of which is done with the AutoEQ.


That's exactly right. If you have a null, no amount of boost is going to correct that but by changing the phase of one band you can shift the null point away from the measured position.

"If you have a null, no amount of boost is going to correct that but by changing the phase of one band you can shift the null point away from the measured position."

Really? I cannot see how this would work.


I'm no expert but a true null is a phase cancellation of the signal. That's where one wavelength in phase cancels another wavelength 180 degrees out of phase. Changing the volume will not eliminate this null. So the way you get rid of it is to change the phase of the original signal and that will move the interference point to somewhere else in the room.
