Star Sound Sistrum pltfm? About to pull trigger.

My CD player has been knocked off the Audio Points TWICE by family members. Tom Lyons responded to my initial email very promptly (QUITE impressive). I did what he suggested, but still had the second "event." I've read that the Sistrum Platform is GREAT, and I already have the discs. On the points, the CD player was great sounding, and I'm not real anxious to change technologies. I tried isolation (Audioquest "Q" things) and in my system, coupling (with the points) was better.

OK, OK, so here's the question: Can anyone think of a reason that the Sistrum would be a BAD idea? Things that are good: 1)my dealer carries them; 2)Tom Lyons himself answered my email--fast; 3)the Audio Points already worked well, and the Sistrum is SAID to be even better; 4)the Sistrum wouldn't fall over, I'm pretty sure. So, anything to "beware" of? Nothing is coming to mind for me.

It wasn't clear in the initial thread (sorry), but the player wasn't totally falling off: what was happening is that when the player moved, one of the points would tip onto its side, and the player would tilt a little.

{{For some reason, this has been a total NON-problem with both of the monoblock amps (about 70 pounds each), the preamp (something like 30 pounds), or the Dodson DAC. Just the player, which admittedly gets more "touches."}}

{{{{{As for the Dakioms, we'll just have to wait and see about that, but it's certainly a valid consideration. Maybe after the holidays, when there's more time. Sooner than that only if someone asks by posting to the Dakiom review follow-up thread, which seems..., umm.......
...UNLIKELY. :) }}}}}

Thank you. That is EXTREMELY helpful.
Cenline wrote:
"I just hate when I get better resolution and better dynamics with a lower noise floor."

LOL, yeah, me too. (Sounds like you're the kind of guy who'd enjoy my "alien abduction" followup thread! Don't forget to check out the link!)
Listener57: Thank you. Based on Tom's (Theaudiotweak) suggestion, I may use the second set of coupling discs. The unit is an Onkyo DPC 8.5 universal player, which is decent on its own, but benefits GREATLY from the Dodson DAC in the signal path. Don't know its weight, but if I get truly desperate, I may refer to the owner's manual to find out.

Thanks for the information. What about the notion of putting some weights on top of the player to increase its mass? If it goes over 15 pounds, does the second set of coupling discs become a bad idea?
Krell_man wrote:

"I'm going to say something and I hope that it doesn't offend you."

Not offended at all. Thankful that you're willing to share advice with me. As it turns out, our living room is where the stereo is and it's in an open configuration, with wide open entryways surrounding it. The kitchen and kitchen eating room area, for example, are completely contiguous.
Thanks to all.

Based on the quick responses to this thread, I just called the dealer and ordered the 101's and the only remaining question is whether to get three more coupling discs, based on the weight of the player, to sit between the points and the player.
{{{Now, how about some additional responses to my headphone thread??? (I'm greedy for Audiogon knowlege!!)}}}
AAAHHHH, just saw Dennis' system, (waayy cool, btw!) and the price tag for the 101 is 550 bucks! Oh well. Sounds like it's well worth it. Unanimity is pretty darn rare among us A'gon-izers, so I'm still going for it.

(Plus it's pretty darn impressive how fast Mr. Lyons answered my email; that says a lot to me.)
Order the coupling discs. If you're like me, you'd hate to have scratches
on the bottom of your player if it accidentally gets knocked like it did
before when the Audiopoints fell...and scrapes across the sharp brass
Sistrum points...
Go with sistrum . Its one of the most effective racks available at any price as long as you get the audiophile rods that are filled with micro berring. This version is far superior to the older version . Sistrum has small brass component couplers that go between the component and spike and are not expensive. Also larger sistrum racks have legs that protrude above the side of the component and offer greater protection from accidental misuse. Finally , they offer a near solid top shelf that the unit can safely rest on .