Equipment rack behind speakers: bad?

I will be moving into a new house soon and will be forced to place my equipment rack behind my speakers. Is this bad acoustically? The rack has three shelves (vertically) and is sized to handle two components side-by-side. I would think that it would act as a facsimile of a diffusor, as the rack has metal grills on each end (and center between components) and these grills are perforated with many small holes. I guess the only other thing that I have to worry about would be vibrations from the usual bass build-up near the back wall affecting my equipment. Your advice is appreciated!
Thanks for your responses. I'm mainly concerned with acoustical not vibration problems, as the floor is cement with carpet over it. I also have an isolation platform for my turntable ... I want as nice a soundstage as possible, but my room is too narrow (about 12 - 13') to put the rack to the side of the speakers (unless it's in the corner behind the speakers, which for the reasons you all note above, I didn't want to do). The room has 8' ceilings and is about 25 - 27' long. Not perfect, but not bad either. Thanks again and good tidings to all!
Fairley, I also have a narrow 12' room. But even if it were wider, I think the best solution, both in terms of user convenience and system (electronic) layout, would be to put the amp(s), subs, elec. x-overs, etc, between the speakers and all the other front end stuff to the left or right sidewall, even with the listening position. You will use long ICs from preamp to amp(s) and short speaker cables -- which is the preferred way to do it IMO.
One more comment. If you do go between the speakers as it sounds like you are, be sure the equipment sits behind a line drawn between tweeters. If it does not, it will effect the sound-staging. The further back the better.
I am with the long ICs preamp to amp school w/ short speaker cables. Especially if you have a TT. My best of Axpona this year had all CAT tubes w/ tech das III TT between the speakers. JV / TAS gave it a small critique.Given room/ show conditions AND that it was between the speakers; I think it should have been JVs best of show. Many dealers show this way for convienenceĀ