"...Pet Free..."

Why do people think that this phrase adds value to their listed component? I can't remember that last time my dogs peed on or chewed up any of my components.
I think the main points about a pet free environment is that there is no pet dander or shedding hair floating around in a home and landing in component cooling vents, getting snagged in grillcloths and possibly giving a pair of speakers a fragrance of animal. Thats my take on it.
It is the same rational that 75% of the gear listed on this site has had "light" or "limited" use.
Cats like warm spots. I had to train my cat to stay off my Levinson 33's and 33H's. Cat dander can easily get through cooling vents in anything a cat may lay on.

For me, I cover all my components when not in use, this aids in cleaning, and prevents dust buildup inside. An easy habit to get into, and really helps keep the componients looking like new.


Paul :-)