condo owners, how do you appease the neighbors?

Hi everyone,
I just moved into a condo and the neighbor downstairs won't leave me alone. He keeps knocking on my door and asking me to turn down the music. I checked the volume level with my Radio Shack SPL meter, and found the average to be about 72db. Peaks at about 76db. Measured with pop music. For reference, my HVAC runs loud at about 65db. If I turn the music down a little, I can't hear it when the heat turns on. This is not as loud as I'm accustomed to listening, but it is far too loud for my neighbor, apparently. What have you other condo/apartment owners done?

As a long-time apt.dweller(seen a lot of different kinds) I think it is sometimes a control issue. I swear some folk think they are entitled to the quiet of the library, and thus their needs rule over anything else. A sound test,by you,within their unit could be useful. (If this can be arranged.) Then next: the time of day. Loud music/noise after 10pm and before 7am just makes you the bad guy,period. We have had the police come time to time. You want that not to happen. You mostly want to hear what they hear to get a prospective. Speakers on spikes and away from walls helps. As Rodney might say___ Can't we get along??
Thanks, guys. I really got spoiled in my former apartment. Everybody played the music loud, whenever we wanted. There was an understanding, of sorts. You don't complain and I won't complain. I think renters are far less uptight. (They tend to be younger, too, which also helps).
I'm hoping that some room treatments will help both of us. Better sound for me, less vibration carrying down to him.
I was never able to solve my problem. I started playing when she was not home. Then her unemployed boyfriend moved in. It ended in her calling the police and reporting me to the landlord. She finally moved.I suggest you follow the 10 to 10 rule. Try to guess when they are not home. Remember it's your home too. Maybe invite him over for a listening session.
If you have a sub, switch to buttshaker or another couch shaker or put the sub on a Aurlex Sub isolator or Float the sub on Aurio Pro's and move it away from the back wall out into the room. This will help prevent the transmission down.

I finally gave up and bought a house.. and all my apartments I made sure I was on the bottom floor. it just sucks when you can't use your stereo like it should!

Good luck
First, you should try to get yourself invited into their living space to hear for yourself what they are complaining about. Regardless of the outcome this will be very informative. Perhaps it is just the placement of your speakers that could be altered.

Also, you might try a little extra padding between the speakers and the floor. Moving your speakers away from the wall or out of a corner can help. Are your speakers atttached to the wall?

You can also agree that you will use certain settings at agreed-to hours.

Here's a crazy one. I have experience in one housing situation where the ambient background noise is so low that you can hear anything, including a 'power piss'. It might be possible that your music is too loud because the building is so quiet. Buildings near high traffic areas hardly ever get noise issues between residents.

Anyway, try to be 'the nice guy' and you will enjoy your home more. If they turn out to be unreasonable you will have a history of co-operation on your part to rely on should they begin to involve third parties.