Spks. wood veneer is drying out.

Could anyone please recommend something to recondition the walnut veneer cabinets of my Snell spks. They are drying out and not sure what to use to condition the wood. I've heard of "Tung Oil" but not sure and would like to get your advise. Many thanks for any and all replies. Bill
I use orange oil you can usually get it an an antique dealer they use it for maintaing and help in restoring wood of antiques, naturally
Hi Kotta,

I recently used Tung oil on the wood hoops and interior shell of a maple snare drum. I used multiple applications buffing with 0000 steel wool in between coats and I am very pleased with the results.

I recommend using 100% pure Tung oil - not a mixture of Tung oil and petroleum. The Tung oil is rather thick and aggressive. Don't unintentionally get it on any surface. It will ge hard to get off.


use pure lemon oil & rub in 2 coats every couple of months,it will bring back 99% of the lustre that they used to have.