Your Private Audio Museum

Many of you have mentioned that just when you thought your system was complete, you were overcome by the urge to upgrade and once again, found yourself changing components.

Having just missed bidding on an obscure integrated amp on ebay, I realized this weekend that I am suffering from an even stranger affliction, the compulsion to COLLECT and WAREHOUSE audio components, even if I have no time or even the intention to ever plug them in.

I used to imagine assembling systems from different vintages and putting them in different bedrooms as exotic clock radios for my guests.

But now I am wishing that I might have all of these components somehow be part of my listening room or library.

If you already collect - or plan to collect - multiple components or multiple systems, how would you propose storing or displaying everything?
You have to tell us...what was the obscure integrated amp on Ebay? Let me guess: A&R A60?
You are not alone,I am also into buying and buying and buying some more components.I rarely use them all but like to keep them around.I can't say no to a good deal.It's kind like a disease.I keep some in their boxes or on the rack,my wife complains about the boxes however,like a warehouse!!!!
I'm like that also - I've got 6 systems in my bedroom alone. Lots of stuff from ebay and Audiogon. I'm into equipment that has lots of lights, esp. Blue lights. Some of them I've replaced the LED's with blue ones. Maybe you could put together another system in another (or same) room.
Hi CW-
I would add some to my existing rig just for static display.
Or maybe place a nice table in the vicinity of your rig with a couple amps (tube) on it.
I bought some real nice steel shelves I mounted on my listening room wall about 14" down from the ceiling.
Im just starting to collect vintage tube radios and the shelves are for the radios.
I have 1 empty shelf (bottom) in my rack and I have my busted but mint Mistubishi DA-A10-DC vintage mid '70s, super cool looking amp on the empty shelf.I figure its too unique looking to not show plus it adds 35-40lbs of weight to my rack.
I have some Dynaco A-1 speakers I picked up at the Salvation army for $5/pair.
The cabinets were rough but the grill covers and drivers are mint.The grill covers still have the little dynaco gold badge on them.They sell on ebay for $7/pair,more than I paid for the speakers.:~)
I removed the covers (glued on) and using very course sand paper I rounded all edges and corners to the max totally eliminating a box looking speaker.I then primed them.painted them black them sprayed them with black granite textured paint.
They look AWESOME and sound pretty good too.
Im trying to figure out a way to integrate them into my system without botching the soundstaging of my main speakers,but still be able to use them now and then without having to move them.
I hope some of this helps CW and this is a fun thread.
CW,what gear do you want to display?