Your Private Audio Museum

Many of you have mentioned that just when you thought your system was complete, you were overcome by the urge to upgrade and once again, found yourself changing components.

Having just missed bidding on an obscure integrated amp on ebay, I realized this weekend that I am suffering from an even stranger affliction, the compulsion to COLLECT and WAREHOUSE audio components, even if I have no time or even the intention to ever plug them in.

I used to imagine assembling systems from different vintages and putting them in different bedrooms as exotic clock radios for my guests.

But now I am wishing that I might have all of these components somehow be part of my listening room or library.

If you already collect - or plan to collect - multiple components or multiple systems, how would you propose storing or displaying everything?
Cwlondon - I never really thought about it this way... but I'm glad you pointed it out that all of my hi-fi stuff that I've never gotten around to sell is part of my hi-fi museum! I still live in an apt, but when I do buy a house I will make some shelves, platforms and other displays to showcase my extra hi-fi components all throughout the house. My girlfriend is an artist and also likes hi-fi gear (so she tells me) and she can paint murals on the wall that best showcase and draw attention to the specimins. Of course, they will be able to be turned on and show the lights. The great thing is - That it will be a functional museum. If I decide I want to listen to that old tube amp just for the fun of it, I can take it off its display shelf and hook it up.

At least your babysitter didn't shut off your operational preamp and then your amp!
just picked up a mint 3012 tandberg for less than the cost of a night out. will sit next to a mint revox 251, next to an accuphase 100/200/300 combo like new...waiting to get rotated into my main system someday. i love my mac stuff, but have to admit lots of brands made legendary stuff that still sounds great today. i love this hobby
this thread is right up my alley

I have a music room
not only does it house my main system
it literally is an audio museum
the music room is art deco and thank God water from Katrina roof leaks only made it in the edge of the room enough to tear out the carpets and dampen one box of rare 45's

it has a 1910's wind up victrola wood cabinets with wood speaker (found at a salvation army for $120 offer - it plays great 78's)
a 30's radio
a 40's console cabinet (doesn't play from a flea market)
a 50's rca console cabinet (could play but doesn't)
a cool 61 wurlitzer jukebox - pristine scored on ebay
a les paul body guitar table - made custom by my best friend
my main system
a bass or two in the corner
yellow submarine beatles figures

I used to have an 8 track and a pop open record player but it was too much in the room
art deco posters (Lempicka etc) echo buster wall treatments and it's tastefully done (honest)
will have to put it back together soon
cement slab - waiting for carpeting

my bedroom has old upgraded leftovers
and some of that went to Houston with my temporary relocation

my music room is long 15 by 27 and the components are fun
I've been divorced 9 years so no one is telling me "no"
and good criteria for girlfriends includes enjoying the room's vibe (some don't pass that test)

I also have basses and guitars around the house
6-8 usually at a time hanging from the walls of my bedroom

my daughter's friends are always amazed
and my daugher embarrassed by the room
