Tube testers for 6922, 12ax7, etc, etc,

Looking for some advise with tube testers for 6922 and 12ax7 tubes. I'd like to buy one but don't have a clue as to which kind to buy, I see many types on ebay for resonable prices. I hear they need to be calbrated every so often. The concerne I have is buying one off ebay and getting some one's flea market special! I guess I'd like a tester that test for shorts, gases, mutual conductance, etc, etc. I would like to spend around $200 for a simple to use tester. Can this be done or am I spinning my wheels here and need to spend way more? Do any of you know a source for testers? Thanks in advance.
Look for a BK DYNAJET 747. It is ther very latest model and should be in pretty good shape if you can find one.
>>"I would like to spend around $200 for a simple to use tester."<<

Sometimes you can pick up a B&K 707 for around $200 on Ebay.

Also the B&K 606 is a nice little tube tester. Easy to use and you can calibrate it yourself. You can pick one up on Ebay for around $65.00 plus shipping.
Thanks guys for the info, I have been doing some searching over at AA and many say don't buy off ebay as there most likely needing calibration and internal parts, is this true? If I were to buy one and it needed work who does repairs and calibrations?