Energy damping or energy transfer?

Are there some generally accepted guidelines about which components to isolate (in terms of vibration damping) and which components to "couple" to the rack (which is also coupled to the floor)?

I freely admit to being clueless here (I'm still trying to get my head around cables and power cords), but it seems like the "brass spikes" guys are saying something completely different from the Vibrapod-type isolation guys.

Given what they're asking for these products and the potential number of components involved, it's like considering a major component upgrade.

Also, has anyone noticed once a component is isolated/coupled that either the interconnect or power cord is affected? Thanks. If this has been kicked to death in the past, just posting a link would be great.

I'll check the Patent Office website & get back to you. . .

As to my thoughts above, it's all speculation. I do prefer the way my TT sounds when it's 'suspended', though. Maybe it would sound even better with the listener suspended too. I'll look for patents of 'audiophile swings' while I'm on it.

What is dynamic coherence, and how do vibrations affect it? Thanks -- anyone.
My stand has a door on it which stops airborne vibration as far as I can tell. As soon as I got it, I noticed my stereo was less bright.
Cdc -- Clever. I've noticed, however, that doors tend to reflect light, thus making the system more bright. That's one reason I took the door off my system.