Anybody use Running Springs Audio Conditioners?

Do any of you GON members use in your home rig the power conditioner(s) that is manufactured by Running Springs Audio?

There has been a few excellent reviews on these power conditioners, but I take reviews with a large, "grain of salt" and trust much more what fellow audiophiles experience/hear when finding about new pieces of gear.

If, any of you have their product in your system, I would greatly appreciate if you would share your opinion regarding their performance and what gear is in your system so I can gain if their is more synergy with tubes vs. solid state.

I'm thinking of setting up a home audition, the only way to really know if you like something in your system, but thought if anybody has tried the Running Springs Audio gear they could give me a heads-up before I make final arrangements. Thanks to anybody who can provide information and is willing to share.
Thanks Guy's for your feedback/posts, I'm getting a Jaco delivered tomorrow morning for a ten day audition period. I'm excited to hear what it will do in my system.

I'll let you all know what I discovered either with more on this thread or a formal review later on, if its a keeper.

Thanks again, for the information you provided.
I have the Haley and agree with the others who have posted their experience with the RSA line (non-balanaced power). I have a Cardas Golden pc with the Haley, but will probably upgrade to the RSA/Cardas Mongoose. I'm also tempted to get a Duke for my amp. The new Duke 2 model is supposedly very good. Believe it or not, I'm using a variac from the wall, then to a PS Audio HC/UO, then my amp. Even though the amp is solid state, the variac stabilizes the voltage at 120V. I have noticed a difference here in power challenged SoCal. I'm wondering what the Duke might do that would allow me to consolidate this a bit.
I too have the Jaco. I've never owned another conditioner so can't compare, but feel it's made a dramatic improvement to my system. I'm running my cd, preamp and amp through the unit. I've been meaning to try running the amp directly to the dedicated wall outlet to compare, but I'm so happy with the sound I haven't gotten around to it. Teajay, they do take some time to break in-hope it works for you. Also, I'd be interested if anyone can answer kmiller5's question (above).
Well, I don't know how much difference the Mongoose makes, but I tried a VH audio flavor 4 and the sound improved quite a bit.