Expectations low, listening pleasure high.

I am listening to a $300 minisystem, and am thoroughly
enjoying the experience. This is in stark contrast to my
experience with my highend stuff. Although I feel I have
the right components and synergy, I never quite feel as
though I am enjoying myself because I am either making
judgments on the sound, or because so much money was
spent I expect so much in return. Now I know that my
kilobuck system sounds better than the mini, but it makes
me wonder when this obsession with sound quality interferred
with actually listening to the performance. I figure it all
started with magazine reviews, and countless number
of components to achieve what will never be. It seems we/I
will always focus on what is not right with our systems because
nothing is perfect. And thats where I think everything went
wrong; Imagine what would happen in our day to day relationships
if we traded in our friends and spouses like we do our equipment.
I guess the enjoyment comes in the constant pushing of that boulder up the hill like Camus's Sisyphus. Anyone else experience this phenomenon?
Now back to Stan Getz on the mini.
Agree that real music can come from the cheapest sources.
It can sound better, but the music is still there.
I have a moderate system and am happy with it.
I 'know' certain things could be better, but I don't care.
(I do usually go in spurts, right now I am in a DVD buying craze.. last year it was Jazz CDs...)
Anyway, it is curious how certain cheap (sub $300. total)reproducers can grab your attention with the music, and other very expensive ($40K+) setups can leave you unhappy!
it is the gap between expectations and reality which determines the reaction to the stereo system.

the lower the expectations the greater the pleasure, because the analytic "mind" is suspended.

when expectations are higher one is listening critically.
there is less enjoyment when listening critically and when one's ego is at stake after spending a sizable chunk on components.

in general if you want to enjoy music, don't analyze or be critical. it is easier to do this with low expectations.

the more money spent the higher the expectations and less enjoyment.

sometimes it is better to listen to a stereo system without being aware of the prices or names of components. that way there is no expectations
Clearly, at least to me, we are simply talking about the subjective factor, which is no small consideration. When I'm desperate to upgrade or feeling down because I can't afford another $3k or whatever, I put on some music I enjoy and accompany it with a nice merlot or cabernet when in the mood. I find myself totally happy, of course. I don't try to convince myself that "upgrading" is a loser's take on reality ... as, for example, I've been through four amps in the past 13 months ... and the one I've got now pleases me the most, though it isn't even close to being the most expensive of the group. The other amps were very good, but this one works extremely well with my speakers. My speakers are the most enjoyable I've ever had in 40+ years of have some sort of audio "system." I'm selling an expensive SACD/CD player for one that is better, even though it will cost $100s less.

I'm spending a lot less money but, not so surprisingly, "upgrading" at the same time. I don't have extreme "expectations," but I have found the musical experience that really registers with me.

I understand the broader criticism/comment, and I share it, but I've never been as happy as I am now with the audio I experience in my home.
My favorite stereo is my kitchen stereo.
Is is a thriftstore scrounged job that sits on top of the cabinets.
I use it when I am cooking and my favorite radio shows usually coincide with these times. Maybe it is just the positive associations and correlations between food, listening content, and listening satisfaction.
Enough booze does make most equipment related anxiety fade as well.

All of you people that say drinking increases your musical enjoyment... have you tried pot? works a lot better...