avoiding component purchase errors :part 2

in my previous discussion, i mentioned the importance of being aware of personality traits which may conflict with the sound that results froma particular component selection.

it is important that one be aware of one's preferences. if one has no idea what type of presentation is enjoyable, the result will be numerous purchases and sales in the quest of finding one's audio nirvana. one may be lucky at some point and achieve it, or one may continue to buy and sell for years and years.

it's a good thing that seious audio hobbyists do not "change" their spouses as often as they change their equipment.

if one has a desire to create a sound that conflicts with one's psychological makeup, the equipment will change frequently, but the persoanlity will probably not change.

better to have your tastes in sound consistent with your psychological make up, once you have figured out both.

as an example, consider the dimensions of stimulus intensity and complexity, and consider that most manufacturers design for maximum resolution, while the paragon of a high quality stereo system is also maximal resolution.

human being differe with respect to sensitivity of nervous systems to income stimuli and their ability to process data in a time fashion.

if you overload your brain and nervous system, you will take an action to achieve a comfort level.

if you want more and more detail and clarity, you may reach a point weher you have excede your threshold of tolerance.

such a situation puts your desires in conflict with your physiological and psychological capabilities. this is a recipe for eroors adn more buying and selling.

numerous studies have demonstrated that an intermediate level of complexity and intensity is an optimal state.

what levels of complexity and intensity are ideal for an individual, must be ascertained, creatively by that individual.

one need not be ashamed to admit that backing away from a high resolution stereo system may be better for one's health.

too many of us are concerned about being criticized by others for liking a sound which others consider inferior.

most of the time we listen alone and it is better to please ourselves than please the few friends who come over and share our listening experiences.
the point of my thread is to provide ideas for avoiding them.

nobody has commented on mistaken purchases and the resulting frustration of admitting the misrake and then selling a component.

does anyone ever regret a component purchase?

does anyone try to learn from a mistake and try to avoid another mistake ?
MrTennis -

For every 'hater' such as 9rw who spread their negativity on these forums, there are 10 others who appreciate and enjoy your posts.

Even on this thread, it is clear to see that most found your original commentary interesting, and have posted thoughtful comments.

So I say - Keep it coming! It adds to the community. There will always be negative people, all the moreso the more meaningful the discussion gets. They are only to be ignored.
Douglas_schroeder, I concur that most all people are compulsive in varying degrees about something or another as you mentioned & I believe that is how folks get things done. My wife is compulsive about a clean house and it becomes difficult at times to relax and enjoy music when you have a vacuum cleaner running in the background but I do prefer a clean house but not to that degree. Fire up the stereo & here comes the cleaning crew!

Anyway I don't know how any audiophile can avoid making some purchase errors when there is so much gear out there and so little time. Although I have tried alot of gear, I haven't heard everthing or tried every conceivable combination. You can go into the forums & read excellent reviews on any given piece & the reviewer may claim its a giant killer but compared to what & what type of sound does he prefer. I know a fine gentleman who has been in the hifi business since the early sixties. A quiet man but very experienced & if asked he will tell you what gear he prefers & he is usually right on the money. Out of curiosity I asked him what type of equipment he's currently using, he said he no longer owns a stereo just a tabletop radio. I wonder sometimes as you mature & the hooplah wears off if this is the final situation that some audiophiles will find themselves in. I know at this juncture I am using just an integrated amp, (one step closer to the tabletop radio?) hopefully not, but I might eventually lose interest in it & go back to separates, on the other hand it may not happen.
Goatwuss: Actually, I think you'll find that the ratio isn't nearly as high as you think regarding those who are fans of Mrtennis and his sophomoric pseudo-intellectual posts. Many of us find them to be a waste of space on these forums. Perhaps you and Mrtennis can just agree to exchange pointless e-mails. I've never been good at suffering fools. Enjoy.
9rw -

Didn't your parents ever tell you "if you don't have anything nice to say...."

If a thread bores you, don't read it, let alone actually replying to it. Why waste your precious time?