Insurance for audiophiles

I was wondering if you guys could help me get some insurance for my 2 channel system. Who do I talk to? Thanks
Be sure to have receipts for all your purchases, and serial numbers and photos. Take it from someone who has dealt with a burglary claim. The insurance adjuster is going to want proof of ownership of all the gear you are claiming...and he or she will likely not believe the value is what it is, or worse still, the adjuster will question your ability to afford the gear (because the adjuster is protecting the insurance company against a potential fraudulent claim for gear you never owned). Be prepared with more evidence than you think you will need. Trust me, you'll need it when the time comes.
Hello Nick,

If you search in the discussion for "insurance" the first two threads give you more details that should be helpful to you. This has come up a few times lately and thought I would point you there instead of trying to repeat what has already been posted.
There were stories a while back (10n years) where many home owner policies were not covering CD's and folks were geting pissed off come flod,fire,or theft time.Compamies said there was no way to verify the actual value of the CD's taken and how many there etc.My stereo isn't cheap but even before astronomical run up for original LP's over past two or so years.I am in the process of going to get apartment insurance but if I have to I will get somebuddy to appraise my collection which includes a number of $100+ ,some $500 and even a few that are in the $1K range give or take a few hundred.Might have to hunt down where I can get policy,lay them out and take photos but my LP's and CD's dwarf $40K MSRP gear I have is worth because it's resale is a third of what I got it for and the LP's seem to need a tickertape to keep up with latets insane price on the ebay market.Need to protec t those more than anyuthing else.
As Tvad also said: photo and receipts kept in another location are real smart in the event of a fire.