Taking audio too seriously?

Is it just me or are some people too serious about this hobby? I can appreciate great sound and getting everything you can out of your system. At what point does it get too extreme? A jar of rocks, a magic clock, a $2500 power cord plugged into standard house wiring, speaker cables sitting on styrofoam cups? Should the magnets on my speakers face due north to align the flux lines with the Earth's magnetic field? Is anyone brave enough to share any other crazy tweaks they've tried?

It could just be ignorance on my part and I am not trying to rock the boat, but it just seems a little obsessive.
Do you still have the GMA Europas ?
I have them in the au pair's hot tub system. A lot of people don't know this, but the Europas are killer underwater speakers. Very liquid.
Don't spend too much rotating the house just yet.
The planet's magnetic field is due (actually overdue) for a "flip".
After the flip, your compass will point south instead of north.

You mean to tell me I just wasted all that money on rotating my house...for nothing! Why couldn't you have posted sooner. Oh well, thats what I get for taking advice from my magic chipmuck! Live and learn, I suppose. ;)
some people take life too seriously, especialy type "a" personalities. for them everything must be perfect, including their hobbies.

audio and music is no more important than running or eating out. both provide some benefit and enjoyment. hopefully reason will prevail and all activities will be placed in perspective.
From the editor:
And according to reader surveys, the average
Stereophile reader has a system costing $18k-$20k.
$20k is serious money too some