Room acoustics/treatments help?? Photos included


I recently moved into an apartment, and the stereo is sounding pretty awful in the new room. Bass is pretty messy (though I can largely fix that with my Velo. DD15), but what I'm really concerned about is the bright and glaring upper midrange. My hi-fi sounds like a car stereo! If I turn it up at all, it just wrecks on the ears.

Please take a look at the attached photos. The lady is pretty easy going, but to keep her happy (and likewise, myself) we've gotta do the long-wall placement.

The long wall is about 15 feet long, and the short wall is about 12.5. As you can see the ceilings are quite high. The right-hand wall is open into the kitchen area, and 2nd level loft (see photos):

Sorry about the messiness, we are still unpacking!

For equipment, I'm running Dynaudio S1.4s, with a Supratek preamp, and a Plinius SA102 amp. Various sources. I also have a pair of Von Schweikert VR1s that I can swap in if the Dyns simply won't work with the room.

So acoustics gurus - Can this room be made into a *great* sounding audio room?

What type of acoustic treatments would you recommend? (or any other ideas that could help with the sound)

As of now, I'm planning on putting some carpet strips on the front, back, and side walls to absorb some reflections (up to 8ft or so). Do you think I need to address the wall/ceiling above around 8ft or so?

I'm also thinking of making some basic tube traps (the really easy 'roll of fiberglass' ones) to put in the corners where the side wall is. Thinking about some heavy drapes on the windows as well. This all has got to be DIY since it's a somewhat temporary (1 or 2 yr) apartment.

One other idea I have is to put a big shower-curtain rod where the right-wall would be, and hanging some drapes, that I could close while listening to music, to perhaps act as a side wall. Is this a good idea, or just pretty dumb?

Any ideas or advice is appreciated!

Hi there your best bet to start with is to switch the room around. It won't cost anything but your time and a little patience. If you put your gear against that back wall, and use the basic rule of third's to place your speakers, that is, speakers 1/3 the way into the room. Each speaker 1/3 in from the width of the room. This will give you a great starting point. Minute increments at a time, you should be able to somewhat "tune" the speakers to your temporary room.
Room treatments work, but is nowhere near the importance of proper speaker placement.
Shout back at me.
Thanks for the posts guys!

Ksales - Yes, I have big problems! I will def. get some heavy drapes for the windows. Do you think draping the bottom window and the door on the front wall will be enough, or should I drape the top window as well?

"Consider something for the upper part of the open area."

What exactly do you mean here? Do you think my "shower curtain" idea will do the trick here? I could hang some really heavy material, and pull it closed for listening.

"I don't know what to do about the ceiling other than sound reflecting acoustical apps."

It's going to be tough to do things with the ceiling because I don't have a good way to get up there without hiring a contractor, and I'm trying to keep this cheap because I don't know how long I'll be living here. Any ideas?

"I would also suggest pulling the carpet and consider put cork on the floor followed by heavy fiber pad and then put the carpet back down."

I doubt I can do anything here either, as I can't really make modifications to the apt without getting charged a decent amount of $$$.

Msunco19 - Yes, I agree speaker placement is of utmost importance. I'm familliar with the Audio Physics methodology, and I've spent a good deal of time trying various placements, including the 1/3 placement. Though getting closer to an ideal placement is greatly beneficial here, the overlying awful untreated room acoustics make every placement I've tried non-usable in this state.
I have a few thoughts. First off, the high ceiling and lack of symmetry should work to your benefit. You have no slap echo issues other than front to back wall. This can be solved with acoustic absorbing material on the back wall (Behind the couch) This will also help strengthen and define the bass.

I would strongly consider looking into a pair of speakers designed to be set up on the long wall. Dunlavy and Audio Physics are two I know will do a great job. Both are designed to be laid out with the listener against the back wall. You will be amazed at how these speakers work!

I see there is a Dunlavy !! pair (comes with sub-woofer) for less than $1000. I have never heard the II's, but owned the III/s and was very happy.

As you commented, you might also try some rug/tapestry on the front wall. Corner tunes (home made or bought and maybe some treatment of the windows. I'm not sure how much damage the windows are doing in that you are set up a ways away from the surface. I treated my side reflection with a home made diffuser (rolled up rug with insulation inside)that I have placed between the reflection point and my ear. This was simply amazing how much it defined the image!

I think you'll be fine in the end, your room is very similar to mine and I am very happy.

good luck,

Jadem6 - thanks a lot for the thoughts!

I am very interested in your "there are other speakers designed for long wall placement" comment.

I know through experience that although I love the dynaudio sound when they are in the right room/setup, they do not like being placed near a wall, and they are not friendly with room reflections.

Can you perhaps explain what about Dunlavy's and AP speakers make them more suited to a rear-wall placement?

You seem to be approaching this in a slapdash way. By that I mean a little bit of this and a little bit of that and hoping that it somehow works. Acoustics is simple applied physics. It's easily measured and quite predictable. The solutions can be cheap to very expensive with the domestic considerations becoming a major factor. There are any number of inexpensive tools and software that can help measure and quantify what is going on in your room. You need to do this before you start applying solutions. Research the archives, there's tons of info.

HInt, be willing to move your speakers out the way when not in serious listening mode.

Good luck.