Will the ipod be the death of the CD?

Tonight on NBC News a segment on the final days of "Towers Records" closing. Record retailers are going out of busines because of the ipod and digital downloading of music from the internet.

There are some who say the CD will be gone in less than 5 years.

What the heck is ipod?

How is the sound quality?

Can I connect it to my 2ch audio system?

Yeah Albert, those Megaline's would take both pockets, and leave no room for the turntable!
CD users of tomorrow are like vinyl users of today. History may well continue to repeat itself.

The errors associated with trying to read a disk whether its LP, CD or DVD is a real problem.

Flash memeory and other types like it have no need for error correction or missed data, pops and clicks, no vibration no nothing...BEAuTIFUL! source
To begin with one can not download music from internet in full CD/WAVE format but only in MP3, so untill that will be avalable I don't think it really any competition. And I don't belive those record companies will ever allowed that to happened.
P.S. After reading this coment about alleged "out of business" sale I checked up my wish to buy list whith Tower Records and as a antisipated NONE out of about 20 items are on sale. Probably just anohter B.S. sale of junk items.
BTW i love my Ipod when working out in GYM or riding trains but always burning all music from my CDs in full WAVE format. Nut no way you can substitude good CD transport with Ipod.