Anyone else experiencing the rude highend retailer

I was recently following a thread because I was interested in buying a CD Player and contacted the retailer.
WOW! I thought I was the customer?
Everything I said was wrong and everything he said had to be gospel.Come to find out he was wrong and did not have complete knowledge of the product.
I then figured I'd go to a local shop and see what if any
new product lines they have.As soon as I told the gentlemen what I was looking for it was "why would you want to check out a cd player made in Italy".He continued to bash everything made outside the US(He is a Krell dealer).I am as Patriotic as they come(my dad was a lifer/Army Ranger's)But come on don't tell me everything else sounds like !@#$.Needless to say I won't be going back there.
I then took the plunge.I went to BEST BUY to look at an HD
Plasma(mine is an older ED)I could't even get any help there.
I know it's the XMAS season,however,I was literally the only customer there in both occassions.
Now,I go back to looking for a pre-owned unit and contact a few Audiogon members.I now get the the type of service I would have hoped for.I get to talk to someone on the phone who is not talking at me,but with me,I get info from folks whose product knowledge far exceeds the folks at the so called "high-end" store.
What would we do if Audiogon didn't exist?
The Highend retailer rolls his eyes if you even say the word Audiogon,however,in my opinion it is they that has allowed this gentle monster to grow due to their own greed and arrogance.
I know there are some fine HighEnd shops still out there,just not enough of them.I know of at least 3 smaller
shops in my area alone who just couldn't compete with the guys with all the money.Because of course that's where the Manufacturer wants his product line(more money means they can buy more)The small shops that educates,qualifies and helps the customer in a courteous manner does not have the space or money to display or stock the required amount of gear to be a dealer.So they are left with in some cases 2nd tier lines that in this day of hype just do not sell.
What a mess this all is ACCEPT FOR AUDIOGON that is.
Essential feedback welcomed,just not from Essential.
rude dealers is one reason why more manufacturers sell direct.

i hope this trend continues, although it adds a degree of risk and nuisance to the component selection process.

many manufacturers are cordial when receiving calls from customers and are usually a good source of information about the products they manufacture.

in short, retailing stinks.
I will describe the other side of the coin.

The two dealers near me are great; willing to take the time to talk about products and existing systems, matching, you can sit and demo as long as you want, etc.

They do exist!
With the introduction of digital media in the market place the consumer has been overwhelmed with new technology and ever changing formats. The large companies must force feed the public their new products with the latest bells and whistles to remain competitive. Annoying as it may seem this trend is driven by the consumer who is looking for convenience and technology that will change with their taste. The independent retailer suffers for this advancement, and the public marketplace has to change with the demand as well. Audiogon is a growing force in this evolving marketplace.
It's impossible for one person...a keep up with all the options. I believe if one can find a dealer who has taken the time to select a few model lines from which a few great systems can be assembled, then that's 90% of the battle. Furthermore, if such a dealer exists, then I can see how he/she might show umbrage at someone who comes in asking questions about a product not carried in the store. I'm not saying this is proper, but I can see how it might happen considering the hours that have been invested by the dealer researching, buying and assembling the systems. From a buyer's standpoint, one has to be willing to give oneself over to the systems that dealer has assembled and the product lines he/she carries. If it sounds good, then buy it and forget what's written in the audio press.

This is one approach. There are many others.

BTW, I haven't found this mystical dealer in my area either, but I believe one exists.
There are certainly still the arrogant high-end retailers. Fortunately, due to competition I think they are dwindling. I would hope that high-end retailers that understand they need to provide higher service would grow, but they need a decent sized market to make that reality. In otherwords, you're not going to find too many in Omaha, there's just not a big enough market.

Your comment (and echoed by a few) about Best Buy surprises me. I've always found Best Buy to have some of the best trained sales staff out there. Okay--are they the most knowledgeable, probably not, but they are well trained. On every occasion I have been in Best Buy, I have usually been asked if I was finding everything okay or if I had any questions. The sales staff was always polite and never pushy. If I had questions and the person didn't know the answer, he didn't make something up. He would say, I don't know, but let me get "mitch" he'll know the answer to that. I've always felt that high-end retailers could learn a lot by how the sales force operates in Best Buy.

There are high-end retailers that understand the above and do have a great sales staff and excellent customer service. I am hopeful that it's an expanding trend and do think there has been improvement in this area over the last 10 years and for good reason--the competition created by the on line stores.