Anyone else experiencing the rude highend retailer

I was recently following a thread because I was interested in buying a CD Player and contacted the retailer.
WOW! I thought I was the customer?
Everything I said was wrong and everything he said had to be gospel.Come to find out he was wrong and did not have complete knowledge of the product.
I then figured I'd go to a local shop and see what if any
new product lines they have.As soon as I told the gentlemen what I was looking for it was "why would you want to check out a cd player made in Italy".He continued to bash everything made outside the US(He is a Krell dealer).I am as Patriotic as they come(my dad was a lifer/Army Ranger's)But come on don't tell me everything else sounds like !@#$.Needless to say I won't be going back there.
I then took the plunge.I went to BEST BUY to look at an HD
Plasma(mine is an older ED)I could't even get any help there.
I know it's the XMAS season,however,I was literally the only customer there in both occassions.
Now,I go back to looking for a pre-owned unit and contact a few Audiogon members.I now get the the type of service I would have hoped for.I get to talk to someone on the phone who is not talking at me,but with me,I get info from folks whose product knowledge far exceeds the folks at the so called "high-end" store.
What would we do if Audiogon didn't exist?
The Highend retailer rolls his eyes if you even say the word Audiogon,however,in my opinion it is they that has allowed this gentle monster to grow due to their own greed and arrogance.
I know there are some fine HighEnd shops still out there,just not enough of them.I know of at least 3 smaller
shops in my area alone who just couldn't compete with the guys with all the money.Because of course that's where the Manufacturer wants his product line(more money means they can buy more)The small shops that educates,qualifies and helps the customer in a courteous manner does not have the space or money to display or stock the required amount of gear to be a dealer.So they are left with in some cases 2nd tier lines that in this day of hype just do not sell.
What a mess this all is ACCEPT FOR AUDIOGON that is.
Essential feedback welcomed,just not from Essential.
It's funny, in the Magnolia section of BB I am ignored. In the whole rest of the store, xmas or not xmas, someone always comes up and politely asks if I need help finding anything.
I've had a few conversations with BB/Magnolia sales staff about their business model. To boil it down, their idea is similar to Walmart moving upscale in select affluent markets. The well-healed shopper who frequents expensive boutiques for luxury goods, still generally cuts corners with the rest of amerika by shopping the Big Box for commodity purchases. The BB/Magnolia idea is to grab up this affluent and mostly uninformed buyer and his wife (neither of whom have yet discovered high-end audio) while rutting in the weeds with the discount merchandise. Mr./Mrs. Toll Brothers will be persuaded to make an impulse buy of a $10K-$20K HT turnkey system based on combined elements of style/status/ease of purchase. Apparently the formula works often enough. The salesman I spoke with mentioned that after selling a complete system to a customer, the customer bought a second HT receiver to put in his den--without any speakers attached-- just because he liked the way it looked. Perhaps pretty soon BB will merge with Toll Brothers and package the whole HT thing with the mortgage.
If you go to a fine restaurant, jeweller, clothing store or car dealership then you will often meet this same behaviour. The arrogance is intended to pass the message that "we are highly discriminating and what we offer is the finest you can find". These dealerships also expect respect and that you are genuinely interested in a purchaase and not simply scouting out components. (fair enough if they have a lot of expensive inventory).

If you get quickly ushered out or ignored then it is possible that your appearance/behaviour is letting you down. An old saying applies, "when in Rome, do as Romans do!"
Parked my Bently in the front,walked in with a supermodel on each arm,left a trail of cash along the sidewalk
leading up to the front door,the tail from my tux actually got caught in the door,checked the time on my Vicheron Constantin and still was still treated rudely.
Left,bought the store and turned it into a McDonalds.
Now I feel better that the former owner now rudely ask "Would you like to supersize that"
whats really sad is this thread is maybe 12 hrs old and already soo many posts!! i thought i was the only one having problems with my Linn Dealer..yes, i said it..i know some Linnies feel Linn can do no wrong...i have all Linn gear, but only use a dealer for turntabel setup.. whats worse than rude is uniformed dealers...heck, thats why they are dealers..they are supposed to know more than we do! And fo anyone to judge a customer based on physical appearance is just hurting themselves, and will lose the sale..