Anyone else experiencing the rude highend retailer

I was recently following a thread because I was interested in buying a CD Player and contacted the retailer.
WOW! I thought I was the customer?
Everything I said was wrong and everything he said had to be gospel.Come to find out he was wrong and did not have complete knowledge of the product.
I then figured I'd go to a local shop and see what if any
new product lines they have.As soon as I told the gentlemen what I was looking for it was "why would you want to check out a cd player made in Italy".He continued to bash everything made outside the US(He is a Krell dealer).I am as Patriotic as they come(my dad was a lifer/Army Ranger's)But come on don't tell me everything else sounds like !@#$.Needless to say I won't be going back there.
I then took the plunge.I went to BEST BUY to look at an HD
Plasma(mine is an older ED)I could't even get any help there.
I know it's the XMAS season,however,I was literally the only customer there in both occassions.
Now,I go back to looking for a pre-owned unit and contact a few Audiogon members.I now get the the type of service I would have hoped for.I get to talk to someone on the phone who is not talking at me,but with me,I get info from folks whose product knowledge far exceeds the folks at the so called "high-end" store.
What would we do if Audiogon didn't exist?
The Highend retailer rolls his eyes if you even say the word Audiogon,however,in my opinion it is they that has allowed this gentle monster to grow due to their own greed and arrogance.
I know there are some fine HighEnd shops still out there,just not enough of them.I know of at least 3 smaller
shops in my area alone who just couldn't compete with the guys with all the money.Because of course that's where the Manufacturer wants his product line(more money means they can buy more)The small shops that educates,qualifies and helps the customer in a courteous manner does not have the space or money to display or stock the required amount of gear to be a dealer.So they are left with in some cases 2nd tier lines that in this day of hype just do not sell.
What a mess this all is ACCEPT FOR AUDIOGON that is.
Essential feedback welcomed,just not from Essential.
My high end dealer isn't rude, he is non-existant. As far as I know, none of my components were ever available in the second largest city in Michigan. Oops, sorry, except for Levinson. There hasn't been a two channel demo room in my city in years. If there was, I would drive my rusty 1992 pontiac over there in the morning. Thank goodness for the internet and Audiogon.
One dealer I used to frequent has gone out of business. The last time I was there I was trying to buy a power cord from him. When I asked the owner the price he said he didn't know.
He told me to call him the next day and he would find out. When I called the following day he wasn't there and his secretary said he just left on a business trip for 2 weeks. When I asked her if someone else could help me she replied that everyone was out to lunch and to leave a #. Well no one ever called me back so I called Music Direct and ordered one from them. Just recently I see the dealer is operating under a different name. Out of curiosity I called him to see what he was selling. He tells me he sold his business to another company. When I asked him why the storefront is vacant he said they closed down the store. If Brick and Mortar stores are going to be so flaky I'll just buy here on Audiogon or the mail order houses. Personally If all high end stores were out of business I could care less. They deserve what they get. It's called bad kharma!
I've been to St.Cecilia in Clearwater also and really enjoyed my time there; Brian who runs the store is a great guy and knows what sounds the best.
Albert, your killnng me!! i thought i was the only one quoting Navin R johnson on a daily basis! "he hates these cans"
Salelevick, ive been to the dealer you are referring to on rt 202. they serviced my linn lp12 for me, even though they arent a linn dealer...yes, they were very kind...