Computer based music collection ??

Computer based music collection ??
I have read that people are getting away from cdp,ect and going to a computer based system??
How does this work and what are the pros and cons of this?
I was in a room a couple of years ago at the Rocky Mountain Audiofest that was set up with only a computer running it.
I wanted to talk to the person showing the room but they had allot of people in there and with so much to see so I wondered off.
I find this very interesting.
Would this be like hooking up a Ipod or something to your system?? Is this were music is going?
Hi Brian:

Do you remember the increased convenience factor when you first made the transition from LP to CD? It was a magical moment for me. Maybe you are not old enough to have lived in that period of history. I never did miss the ritual of prepping a LP and getting up every twenty minutes. (That is just my opinion).

Well the convenience of songs and playlists instantly accessible is a key feature for myself. It is a huge step up in convenience. My computers play at a quality that is equal to or succeeds my CDP setup. These are the best features of a good computer setup in my opinion.

I have Martin Logans and I love the Sosna Emotions xlr too. I have computers setup for playing lossless music files. Each computer is made in one of 3 different ways hooked up to a storage file server. One of them plays through the main system and it is awesome. The others might be just as good, but I never got that far on setup. I can hook one of the others into my main stereo setup and end up with two different setups playing in the main system, but I never made the time. You have the choice to use your system DAC, outboard DAC, or soundcard DAC.

I have managed to get a modified internal soundcard that is equal to the USB solution many implement. Don’t flame me for saying that, but it is possible.
Hey Btstrg,

Yes, this is where music is going, but the hardware and software are still maturing. You can set up a purely computer-based system--I have--but it will be a lot easier in a couple years. If you're reasonably happy with the component system you have, don't be in a big rush, unless you want a technical project.

Assuming you already have the computer, start messing around with some of the free commercial programs, like Windows Media Player, Winamp and iTunes, to get an idea of sources, formats and all that. Send the audio through the best quality DAC you have, even if it's the one on the sound card. Once you have the general feel for what's possible and what the general hardware and software components are, then you can upgrade your weak links.

Pretty soon we should see some comprehensive, intuitive and stable software that handles all your audiovisual needs, running on a Mac, PC or a dedicated Linux machine. That will feed digital inputs on the power amp--which may be integrated into the speakers--and to the TV monitor. It's all coming, but at this point it's likely to be some combination of techie, limited, unstable and expensive.

Have fun,
IMHO PC Audio is where digital is headed.

After divesting myself of my $6K CDP, and going to a laptop, external HD, and Wavelength Brick Silver USB DAC, I couldn't be happier. The sonics are marvelous, and the convenience exceeded my expectations (which were quite high to begin with)!

A PC as a transport just has to be heard to be believed. My new MacBook works great. My very old Dell PII 300mhz machine worked equally as well.

I do agree with the Dtronvig. PC Audio is presently in a techie phase. But there is plenty of help and information if one is willing to do a little work. If this old dog can learn new tricks anyone can.

It's ironic that I'm running new (PC Audio) and old (Analog) front ends with different, but spectacular results.
I have about 300 cd's on a G5 Mac, it sends the signal via ethernet (it could be wireless, but I already had the ethernet line) to a stock Squeezebox v.3, to a Behringer DEQ, straight in to a pair of Nuforce amps, to a pair of Vandersteen 3A's. I control the volume with the Squeezebox remote.

Down the road I'll add a DAC between the Behringer and the amps and I'll get the Squeezebox modded by Bolder Cables.

Everything stays in the digital domain until it leaves the Behringer. I have access to 2500 plus songs without leaving my seat. I love the convenience and the sound.

I tried the Olive Musica, but the Squeezebox works & sounds better in my system.
Check out the Squeeze Box at
For $300 you can't go wrong.

The device sounds better than most CD players and you can use it's analog out, which uses high quality dacs from Burr Brown or it's digital out.

I use one and sell them.
