Best audio cabinet for people with pets

I recently acquired a cat (wasn't really planning on this but this cat was a stray and is very friendly) and have decided to just keep her claws trimmed rather then have her declawed. I'm looking for recommendations for a cabinet to put my equipment in so the cat won't bother them. As for my speakers I've been putting a big piece of cardboard in front of the grill cloth at night and am looking for ways to protect them also. Would appreciate any thoughts. Thanks, Bob
Salamander Synergy cabinets have doors with optional locks, and they have backs that can be installed (or not). The sides and doors can be ordered either made of solid materials or steel mesh material to allow ventilation.
There are cat repellent strips for use indoors to keep them off furniture and out of potted plants. Check PetSmart.
Every time the cat goes near your equipment, smack it (gently). It will learn.

Also, make sure you have a scratching post so it has somewhere to do that. Otherwise, it will use your furniture.
All cats are different. Watch it first to see if it bothers any gear. I have one that doesn't scratch anything, stays away from all my equipment, and just sleeps all day, and all I night, I think..