Best audio cabinet for people with pets

I recently acquired a cat (wasn't really planning on this but this cat was a stray and is very friendly) and have decided to just keep her claws trimmed rather then have her declawed. I'm looking for recommendations for a cabinet to put my equipment in so the cat won't bother them. As for my speakers I've been putting a big piece of cardboard in front of the grill cloth at night and am looking for ways to protect them also. Would appreciate any thoughts. Thanks, Bob
Newbee - Thanks for your suggestions; actually I am becoming very fond of the cat and I can see why people like you and Grant go to such trouble to have them around.
I purchased a scratching post at Big Lots for $5 a few days ago and as you suggest will get a couple more for other rooms (by the way would you recommend the scratching posts with rope over the carpet version or visa versa?). I took the cat to the vet a week ago and had all the claws trimmed for $5. I will have that done about once a month or so. It's interesting I've been telling people that I now have a cat and to my surprise many of them tell me they have had cats for years; I would have never known; the investing person at the bank I deal with told me he has two cats that are strictly indoor cats and have been declawed front and back. I won't have my cat declawed though since she enjoys going out a few times every day.
Bob, If you're going to buy scratching posts get the ones that have siesel(Sp?)rope wrapped around the post. 2 1/2 to 3 ft tall. If you have one that is just carpet covered pick up some rope at Home Depot and wrap it.

If you haven't already done so, cats love toys. One of my cats particularily loves the small grey leather mice and she treats them like real mice. She hunts them (in the toy box) and hides them, etc. Funny part is that she loves to play retrieve just like a dog. What is unique for her is that she will start the game (regularily) and will keep it up for 10 to 15 minutes. What a gas! Small 'hairy' balls are also a great item. The hair is a fine tinsel like fuzz. The cats love to bat them around.

Have fun!
Newbee - thanks very much for your recommendation on the scratching post wrapped with rope. The assistant manager at the Big Lots store here in town has 10 cats and recommended the rope-wrapped scratching post also. By the way I just took a look at your system; wow, very nice! Mine system is so cheap and simple in comparison I'm almost embarrassed to talk about it. Thanks again for your comments.
Look on Amazon for a product called Ssscat. It's a motion sensor on top of a spray devise. Works like a charm.
Well after trying to make everything catproof I finally just made up my mind to have the cat declawed; had it done this past Thursday; she was sore through the weekend but as of Tuesday evening she seems to be back to normal. I decided to do this after talking with several cat owners who had their cats declawed and also the vet. Most everyone recommended to only have the front claws removed and this is what was done. My grill cloths and my wife's antique furniture are now safe and it looks like I'll have some scratching posts in my next garage sale.