
i'm lookin' to do a little tweakin' to my existing system, which is: b.a.t. vk3ix tube pre amp, b.a.t. vk 250 ss amp, rega apollo cd player, jm labs profile 918 speakers. i'm using audience au24 speaker cable, and jps labs interconnects. i'm looking to warm up the sound, maybe a little more detail, more or less lookin' for the "wow" factor to inject into my little system. i'm thinking on the lines of maybe a d/a converter, line conditioner, etc. once again, thanks for the help. by the way, this is such a cool little web, everyone here has been great and very helpful.
Walker Audio's Extreme SST contact enhancer applied according to instruction on all of your contacts will significantly improve the clarity and resolving capabilities of your system. I recommend starting there before buying any sort of hardware. Also, make sure you've done the simple things that are so easy to overlook: make sure your cables are not lying on a synthetic carpet, if they are lift them 5-12 inches; separate all of your cables from each other by 4 or more inches; separate your components; experiment with some isolation under you equipmennt all choices here sound different.

If you haven't already run a dedicated AC line for your equipment, do so if you can: it's fundamental.

If you're intent on power conditioning, get a Walker Velocitor for a 30-day money back trial. You will be amazed.

Good luck in your exdperiments!
I put in some cable elevators after just using glasses to raise off!it was like getting a new peice of gear,also inveted in a acoustic revive demagnitizer,clean first with optrix then demagnitize.
You can accomplish WAY more w/ room acoustics than by throwing away more money on specialized little accessories. Play around w/ speaker placement & aim, as well as surfaces (especially the floor).
I echo the thoughts on the PS-300. I just got it back from being modded, so it's even better now. While it was gone I mainly watched movies.

I would suggest putting a set of Symposium series 2 rollerblocks under your cd player. This will give you all the qualities you are looking for. I use them under my cd player with the Symposium svelte shelf - simply an amazing upgrade and you will finally see what your present cd player is capable of.