Crank it up just once

Howdy. I did a couple of searches & really didn't come up with a good thread. I have the notion of wanting to crank the heck out of my system just once. We all have a lot of mmoney invested in our systems & frankly I am seriously paranoid about frying something. BUT it would be a gas to try it a time or two. Maybe a little Dark Side of the Moon, both sides start to finish..? Any insight on doing it without fritzing something? System is; Krell KRC2, pre; Krell KPE Reference phono; Krell FPB300cx, main: Krell Infinity Rennaisance 90 speakers. Highest I have had it is a little past 1:00 (volume)with the gain on high. And that is with the phono. Maybe 12:00 with th CD player. Room is big enough, but my nerve isn't.
The other night my buddy and I, fueled by Victory Brewing Co. Golden Monkey Ale, listerally made the rafters shake with DSOTM. My friend, who is a musician and not an audiophile, pointed something out about "audiophile systems" in relation to "normal" consumer systems - louder doesn't seem that loud because of the lack of obvious distortion. It's almost dangerous...
Thanks to all the educational, humorous, synical & negative notes. That's what makes this site so cool. You folks are the best. Got it all. Time to listen to some quality tunes.
Best regards to all, John
Sdatch that brewery is a popular destination for Victory Motorcycle owners..



Yeah I remember Avid speakers. they were "o.k."
My first pair of speakers were Pioneer project 60's I bought when I was 16 yrs old and routinely "popped" the voicecoil against the back plate of the magnet. Same thing with my second speakers, Technics SB 10" somethings. I was jealous of my friend with a Marantz 2285 and Epicure 20's, who could crank it up without any apparent damage.